
About the Support for NDIS providers grants program

The ‘Support for NDIS Providers’ Grants Program funds activities that support NDIS providers to increase quality and safeguarding in the NDIS. The program is administered by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on behalf of the Australian Government.

The program funds activities that focus on the rights of people with disability by educating, influencing, and consulting with participants, providers and workers. The program aims to:

  • enable people with disability to access quality providers and workers in a thriving and diverse market
  • enable people with disability to exercise their rights when accessing NDIS supports and services
  • help providers and workers uphold the rights of people with disability in the delivery of NDIS supports and services.

Grants will be awarded to activities that address:

  • knowledge and skill development
  • quality and safeguarding
  • regulation and compliance.

You can learn more in the Program Guidelines.

Current opportunities 

The recent Support for NDIS Providers grant opportunity has now closed. When there are grant opportunities available, they will be published on GrantConnect.

Grants awarded

The Support for NDIS Providers Grants Program started in 2018 and has offered 20 opportunities to apply for grants.


Awarded Applicants - GO6985 Quality and Safeguarding Grant Opportunity

Awarded Quality and Safeguarding Grants snapshot

OrganisationDelivery locationProject NameProject DescriptionPriority CohortsTotal awarded (excl. GST)


Housing Choices Australia Limited

Delivery location:

Victoria,New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania

Project Name:

Safeguarding NDIS participants by building a disability inclusive housing workforce

Project Description:

Housing Choices Australia Limited will develop and deliver safeguarding training and an online support platform of resources with a focus on workers, NDIS participants and Specialist Disability Accommodation and Supported Independent Living providers. The grant activities will be delivered over 2 years.

Priority Cohorts:


Home and Living safeguarding

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Inclusion Melbourne Inc

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Working it out together: Coordinating natural supports to drive safeguarding, quality, practice and improved quality of life

Project Description:

Inclusion Melbourne Inc, in consortium with Microboards Australia, will develop multi-user guide and training modules for NDIS registered organisations, support coordinators, supporters and advocates of people with disability to build their practice in coordinating and utilising natural supports through Circles of Support. The grant activities will be delivered over 3 years.

Priority Cohorts:


Natural safeguards

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Micah Projects Ltd

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Compliance and Beyond – Safeguarding people with disability for NDIS workers and providers

Project Description:

Micah Projects Ltd will deliver training on the culture of safeguarding in service delivery through a series of webinars, face-to-face sessions and associated resources, which go beyond compliance to improve the safety of people with disability. The grant activities will be delivered over 3 years.

Priority Cohorts:


Capability building for safeguarding

Total awarded (excl. GST):



National Disability Services Limited

Delivery location:

Northern Territory and Queensland

Project Name:

Quality Compass – tools to develop a shared understanding of safe, quality services

Project Description:

National Disability Services (NDS) Limited, in consortium with Ignis Consulting, will develop how-to films and resources for providers to work with participants to develop their own Quality Compass and tools that guide quality planning and strengthen quality governance. The grant activities will be delivered over 2 years.

Priority Cohorts:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Rural or Remote

Quality in governance

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Summer Foundation Ltd

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Disability Housing and Living Index: Driving Inclusion and Quality

Project Description:

Summer Foundation Ltd will develop the Disability Housing and Living Index through surveys and workshops to set a new standard in the governance of housing and support arrangements. There will be a focus on people with disability who need access to 24/7 housing and support options. The grant activities will be delivered over 2 years.

Priority Cohorts:


Home and Living quality and safeguarding

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID) Inc

Delivery location:

xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx National

Project Name:

ACTIV8 – adapting and piloting a new VALID8 peer safeguarding model for broader service application.

Project Description:

Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID) Inc will leverage off the existing VALID8 peer safeguarding model to develop and pilot the new ACTIV8 model for national application in congregate settings where people with disability access NDIS supports and services. The grant activities will be delivered over 2.5 years.

Priority Cohorts:


Safeguarding in group settings

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Awarded Applicants - GO6984 Knowledge and Skill Development Grant Opportunity

Awarded Knowledge and Skills Development Grants snapshot

OrganisationDelivery locationProject NameProject DescriptionPriority CohortsTotal awarded (excl. GST)


Advocacy WA Incorporated

Delivery location:

Western Australia

Project Name:

Your Rights, Your Supports, Your Service – NDIS Services and Supports

Project Description:

Advocacy WA Incorporated, in consortium with Enable WA, will co-design and deliver online and face to face workshops and training resources for participants and providers tailored to address specific language and cultural needs of local participant groups, including Noongar and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse cohorts.

Priority Cohorts:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders 

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Ausmed Education Pty Ltd

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Know My Rights: The NDIS National Microlearning Platform

Project Description:

Ausmed Education Pty Ltd, in consortium with Inclusion Australia, will deliver a large-scale upskilling and education platform about the rights of people with disability in the NDIS. The platform will cater to the learning requirements of people of including participants with intellectual disability, varied age groups and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Autism STEP Australia Pty Ltd

Delivery location:

New South Wales

Project Name:

Empowering Autistic and LGBTIQA+SB Youth through Accessible NDIS Resources

Project Description:

Autism STEP Australia Pty Ltd will develop educational resources, interactive workshops and peer networks to support autistic and LGBTIQA+SB youth to exercise their rights under the NDIS. The project will also develop online resources for providers, parents and carers to increase their knowledge and skills to uphold the rights of young participants.

Priority Cohorts:


Children and young people

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Developmental Disability Council of Western Australia Inc

Delivery location:

Western Australia

Project Name:

Voice and Choice: A Communication Rights Project

Project Description:

Development Disability Council of Western Australia Inc will engage providers in an action-learning project through the ‘Voice and Control’ podcast, alongside peers and people with disability who they support. Practical resources including Easy Read and videos will also support learning and confidence to communicate. Coaching resources and peer networks will be developed for providers to build their capacity to uphold the rights of people with disability by becoming confident communication partners.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Divergent Matters Pty Ltd

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Inclusive Futures: Advocating for Children’s Rights in Disability Services

Project Description:

Divergent Matters Pty Ltd will work with young people with disability and their families to develop a curriculum for parents on children’s rights and how to develop self-advocacy skills. A training program will also be developed to support providers and workers to uphold the rights of the children with disability who they support and to work with families. The curriculum program will be available as an online resource with national reach and focus on neurodiversity and the social model of disability within a human rights context.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Down Syndrome Australia

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Supporting My Rights

Project Description:

Down Syndrome Australia will leverage existing resources and develop additional, accessible ways for people with Down Syndrome and intellectual disability to understand and exercise their rights, including what good looks like, conflicts of interest, and communicating with providers. Resources will be co-designed, produced and presented with people with Down Syndrome and focus on teens and young adults.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Endeavour Foundation Limited

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Thrive: Rights and Advocacy

Project Description:

Endeavour Foundation Limited will deliver a program of resources to ensure the rights of people with disability are upheld, including peer-led online workshops designed with and for people with intellectual disability and consumer-led training, online learning and workshops for providers and workers. The resources will have a national reach with consideration of the needs of diverse cohorts of participants with intellectual disability.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Extended Families Australia

Delivery location:


Project Name:

The Bridge to Rights Program: Cầu Quyền (pronounced "Kow Kween") Program

Project Description:

Extended Families Australia will provide innovative support for Vietnamese young people with disability and their carers to develop a deeper understanding of participant rights in relation to the NDIS. The project will co-design and deliver multi-lingual, interactive workshops, safe space hubs and a facilitated peer group mentoring program for Vietnamese and English-speaking participants, families and carers.

Priority Cohorts:

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

Children and Young People

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Institute for Urban Indigenous Health

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Yarnin’ through your NDIS

Project Description:

Institute for Urban Indigenous Health will deliver educational roadshows and workshops across South East Queensland, using culturally appropriate and accessible methods, such as the Eight Aboriginal Ways of Learning Framework including yarning/storytelling and visual aids, to enhance participant and provider understanding of rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants accessing the NDIS.

Priority Cohorts:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Mcried Living Pty Limited

Delivery location:

Northern Territory

Project Name:

MyRights Awareness Remote Disability Campaign

Project Description:

Mcried Living Pty Limited will deliver a campaign to support NDIS participants in the remote Northern Territory community of Utopia by enhancing their understanding of their rights and improving local service delivery. Culturally tailored, multilingual educational resources and workshops will be co-designed and facilitated by local cultural mentors.

Priority Cohorts:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Rural and remote

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Noah’s Ark Inc

Delivery location:


Project Name:

From Bystanders to Changemakers: Supporting Child Agency

Project Description:

Noah’s Ark Inc will provide knowledge, resources, tools, and supportive networks for children and young people with disability to advocate for their own choices and to exercise control. The project will also support parents and providers to identify early opportunities for children and young people to exercise choices, with the aim to nurture a sense of agency and self-worth.

Priority Cohorts:

Children and young people

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Sunbury Community Health Centre Ltd

Delivery location:


Project Name:

My Story

Project Description:

Sunbury Community Health Centre Ltd will deliver a theatrical performance by people with disability and carers, to engage audiences and present disability rights in a way that is authentic and thought provoking. Performances will be delivered in partnership with Alliance of Rural and Regional Community Health across rural and remote Victoria and take audiences on a journey that challenges stereotypes and accepted practice.

Priority Cohorts:

Rural and remote

Total awarded (excl. GST):



Unity Housing Company Limited

Delivery location:

South Australia

Project Name:

CoCreate: SDA Futures

Project Description:

Unity Housing Company Limited will deliver tenant-led co-design resources and governance models to enhance the rights, decision-making, choice and housing service delivery in Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). Resources for SDA providers and workers will build capacity to deliver participant-led, rights-focused services. Findings and tools will be offered as a scalable model and shared nationally across the sector.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID) Inc

Delivery location:


Project Name:

Speaking Out, Skilling Up

Project Description:

Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc will deliver a project where people with disability will, with support from experienced project coordinators, co-design and co-present workshops to build knowledge and skills for participants in understanding disability service standards and how making a complaint about a service, and to support providers and participants to understand how managers, staff and participants can collectively safeguard against abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Priority Cohorts:


Total awarded (excl. GST):



Support for NDIS providers grants program guidelines

Feedback for GO6985 Grant Applicants - NDIS Commission Grants Program

Feedback for GO6984 Grant Applicants - NDIS Commission Grants Program

Previous Grant Awards 2018-2023

Awarded Knowledge and Skills Development Grants snapshot

Awarded Quality and Safeguarding Grants snapshot

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