Core module: Provision of supports

These NDIS Practice Standards set out the responsibilities for NDIS Providers when providing supports to participants.

Access to supports

Outcome: Each participant accesses the most appropriate supports that meet their needs, goals and preferences.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:    

  • The supports available, and any access / entry criteria (including any associated costs) are clearly defined and documented. This information is communicated to each participant using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. 
  • Reasonable adjustments to the support delivery environment are made and monitored to ensure it is fit for purpose and each participant’s health, privacy, dignity, quality of life and independence is supported. 
  • Each participant is supported to understand under what circumstances supports can be withdrawn. Access to supports required by the participant will not be withdrawn or denied solely on the basis of a dignity of risk choice that has been made by the participant.

Support planning

Outcome: Each participant is actively involved in the development of their support plans. Support plans reflect participant needs, requirements, preferences, strengths and goals, and are regularly reviewed. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • With each participant’s consent, work is undertaken with the participant and their support network to enable effective assessment and to develop a support plan. Appropriate information and access is sought from a range of resources to ensure the participant’s needs, support requirements, preferences, strengths and goals are included in the assessment and the support plan. 
  • In collaboration with each participant:
    • risk assessments are regularly undertaken, and documented in their support plans; and
    • appropriate strategies are planned and implemented to treat known risks to them.
  • Risk assessments include the following:
    • consideration of the degree to which participants rely on the provider’s services to meet their daily living needs;
    • the extent to which the health and safety of participants would be affected if those services were disrupted.
  • Periodic reviews of the effectiveness of risk management strategies are undertaken with each participant to ensure risks are being adequately addressed, and changes are made when required.  
  • Each support plan is reviewed annually or earlier in collaboration with each participant, according to their changing needs or circumstances. Progress in meeting desired outcomes and goals is assessed, at a frequency relevant and proportionate to risks, the participant’s functionality and the participant’s wishes.  
  • Where progress is different from expected outcomes and goals, work is done with the participant to change and update the support plan.
  • Each participant’s support plan is: 
    • provided to them in the language, mode of communication and terms they are most likely to understand; and 
    • readily accessible by them and by workers providing supports to them.
  • Each participant’s support plan is communicated, where appropriate and with their consent, to their support network, other providers and relevant government agencies.
  • Each participant’s support plan includes arrangements, where required, for proactive support for preventative health measures, including support to access recommended vaccinations, dental check-ups, comprehensive health assessments and allied health services.
  • Each participant’s support plan: 
    • anticipates and incorporates responses to individual, provider and community emergencies and disasters to ensure their safety, health and wellbeing; and
    • is understood by each worker supporting them.

Service agreements with participants

Outcome: Each participant has a clear understanding of the supports they have chosen and how they will be provided. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Collaboration occurs with each participant to develop a service agreement which establishes expectations, explains the supports to be delivered, and specifies any conditions attached to the delivery of supports, including why these conditions are attached. 
  • Each participant is supported to understand their service agreement and conditions using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. 
  • Where the service agreement is created in writing, each participant receives a copy of their agreement signed by the participant and the provider. Where this is not practicable, or the participant chooses not to have an agreement, a record is made of the circumstances under which the participant did not receive a copy of their agreement. 
  • Where the provider delivers supported independent living supports to participants in specialist disability accommodation dwellings, documented arrangements are in place with each participant and each specialist disability accommodation provider. At a minimum, the arrangements should outline the party or parties responsible and their roles (where applicable) for the following matters:
    a)    How a participant’s concerns about the dwelling will be communicated and addressed;
    b)    How potential conflicts involving participant(s) will be managed; 
    c)    How changes to participant circumstances and/or support needs will be agreed and communicated;
    d)    In shared living, how vacancies will be filled, including each participant’s right to have their needs, preferences and situation taken into account; and
    e)    How behaviours of concern which may put tenancies at risk will be managed, if this is a relevant issue for the participant.
  • Service agreements set out the arrangements for providing supports to be put in place in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Responsive support provision

Outcome: Each participant accesses responsive, timely, competent and appropriate supports to meet their needs, desired outcomes and goals. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Supports are provided based on the least intrusive options, in accordance with contemporary evidence-informed practices that meet participant needs and help achieve desired outcomes.
  • For each participant (with their consent or direction and as agreed in their service agreement) links are developed and maintained by the provider through collaboration with other providers, including health care and allied health providers, to share their information, manage risks to them and meet their needs.
  • Reasonable efforts are made to involve the participant in selecting their workers, including the preferred gender of workers providing personal care supports.
  • Where a participant has specific needs which require monitoring and/or daily support, workers are appropriately trained and understand the participant’s needs and preferences.

Transitions to or from a provider

Outcome: Each participant experiences a planned and coordinated transition to or from the provider. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • A planned transition to or from the provider is facilitated in collaboration with each participant when possible, and this is documented, communicated and effectively managed. 
  • Risks associated with each transition to or from the provider are identified, documented and responded to, including risks associated with temporary transitions from the provider to respond to a risk to the participant, such as a health care risk requiring hospitalisation. 
  • Processes for transitioning to or from the provider (including temporary transitions referred to in subsection (2)) are developed, applied, reviewed and communicated.