Supplementary module: Implementing behaviour support plans

These NDIS Practice Standards apply to NDIS providers who are registered to provide specialist behaviour support to NDIS participants. They also apply to providers using restrictive practices in the delivery of any NDIS supports and services. 

Behaviour support in the NDIS

Outcome: Each participant accesses behaviour support that is appropriate to their needs which incorporates evidence-informed practice and complies with relevant legislation and policy frameworks.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the NDIS and state and territory behaviour support legislative and policy frameworks.
  • Demonstrated appropriate knowledge and understanding of evidence-informed practice approaches to behaviour support. 
  • Demonstrated commitment to reducing and eliminating restrictive practices through policies, procedures and practices.

Regulated restrictive practices

Outcome: Each participant is only subject to a regulated restrictive practice that meets any state and territory authorisation (however described) requirements and the relevant requirements and safeguards outlined in Commonwealth legislation and policy.  

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Knowledge and understanding of regulated restrictive practices as described in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 and knowledge and understanding of any relevant state or territory legislation and/or policy requirements and processes for obtaining authorisation (however described) for the use of any regulated restrictive practices included in a behaviour support plan. 
  • Where state or territory legislation and/or policy requires authorisation (however described) to, the use of a regulated restrictive practice, such authorisation is obtained and evidence submitted.
  • Regulated restrictive practices are only used in accordance with a behaviour support plan and all the requirements as prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018. Regulated restrictive practices are implemented, documented and reported in a way that is compliant with relevant legislation and/or policy requirements.  
  • Work is undertaken with specialist behaviour support providers to evaluate the effectiveness of current approaches aimed at reducing and eliminating restrictive practices, including the implementation of strategies in the behaviour support plan.
  • Workers maintain the skills required to use restrictive practices and support the participant and other stakeholders to understand the risks associated with the use of restrictive practices.

Supporting the assessment and development of behaviour support plans

Outcome: Each participant’s quality of life is maintained and improved by tailored, evidence-informed behaviour support plans that are responsive to their needs. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • The specialist behaviour support provider is supported to gather information for the functional behavioural assessment and other relevant assessments. 
  • Collaboration occurs with the specialist behaviour support provider to develop each participant’s behaviour support plan and the clear identification of key responsibilities in implementing and reviewing the plan.  
  • Relevant workers have the necessary skills to inform the development of the participant’s behaviour support plan. 
  • Relevant workers have access to appropriate training to enhance their skills in, and knowledge of, positive behaviour supports and restrictive practices.    

Behaviour support plan implementation

Outcome: Each participant’s behaviour support plan is implemented effectively to meet the participant’s behaviour support needs.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Policies and procedures that support the implementation of behaviour support plans are developed and maintained.  
  • Work is actively undertaken with the specialist behaviour support providers to implement each participant’s behaviour support plan and to align support delivery with evidence-informed practice and positive behaviour support. 
  • Workers are supported to develop and maintain the skills required to consistently implement the strategies in each participant’s behaviour support plan consistent with the positive behaviour support capability framework. 
  • Specialist behaviour support providers are supported to train the workers of the providers implementing behaviour support plans in the use and monitoring of behaviour support strategies in the behaviour support plan, including positive behaviour support. 
  • Workers receive training in the safe use of restrictive practices. 
  • Collaboration is undertaken with other providers that work with the participant to implement strategies in the participant’s behaviour support plan. 
  • Performance management ensures that workers are implementing strategies in the participant’s behaviour support plan appropriately.

Monitoring and reporting the use of regulated restrictive practices

Outcome: Each participant is only subject to a restrictive practice that is reported to the Commission.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Demonstrated compliance with monthly online reporting requirements in relation to the use of regulated restrictive practices, as prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.     
  • Data is monitored to identify actions for improving outcomes. 
  • Data is used to provide feedback to workers, and with the participant’s consent, their support network, and their specialist behaviour support provider about the implementation of the behaviour support plan to inform the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices.

Behaviour support plan review

Outcome: Each participant has a current behaviour support plan that reflects their needs, and works towards improving their quality of life, reducing behaviours of concern, and reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • The implementation of the participant’s behaviour support plan is monitored through a combination of formal and informal approaches, including through feedback from the participant, team meetings, data collection and record keeping, other feedback and supervision. 
  • Information is recorded and data is collected as required by the specialist behaviour support provider and as prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018. 
  • Identification of circumstances where the participant’s needs, situation or progress create a need for more frequent review, including if the participant’s behaviour changes.
  • Contributions are made to the reviews of the strategies in a participant’s behaviour support plan, with the primary focus of reducing or eliminating restrictive practices based on observed progress or positive changes in the participant’s situation.

Reportable incidents involving the use of a restrictive practice

Outcome: Each participant that is subject to an emergency or unauthorised use of a restrictive practice has the use of that practice reported and reviewed.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • The participant’s immediate referral to, and assessment by a medical practitioner (where appropriate) is supported following an incident. 
  • Collaboration is undertaken with mainstream service providers, such as police and/or other emergency services, mental health and emergency department, treating medical practitioners and other allied health clinicians, in responding to the unauthorised use of a restrictive practice. 
  • The Commissioner is notified of all reportable incidents involving the use of an unauthorised restrictive practice in accordance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018. 
  • Where an unauthorised restrictive practice has been used, the workers and management of providers implementing behaviour support plans engage in debriefing to identify areas for improvement and to inform further action. The outcomes of the debriefing are documented. 
  • Based on the review of incidents, the supports to the participant are adjusted, and where appropriate, the engagement of a specialist behaviour support provider is facilitated to develop or review the participant’s behaviour support plan or interim behaviour support plan, if required, in accordance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.  
  • Authorisation processes (however described) are initiated as required by their jurisdiction.
  • The participant, and with the participant’s consent, their support network and other stakeholders as appropriate, are included in the review of incidents.

Interim behaviour support plans

Outcome: Each participant with an immediate need for a behaviour support plan receives an interim behaviour support plan based on evidence-informed practice, which minimises risk to the participant and others. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Collaboration is undertaken with mainstream service providers (such as police and/or other emergency services, mental health and emergency departments, treating medical practitioners and other allied health clinicians) in contributing to an interim behaviour support plan developed by a specialist behaviour support provider. 
  • Work is undertaken with the specialist behaviour support provider to support the development of the interim behaviour support plan. 
  • Workers are supported and facilitated to receive training in the implementation of the interim behaviour support plan.