Supplementary module: Specialist support coordination

These NDIS Practice Standards apply to NDIS providers who are registered to provide specialist support co-ordination to NDIS participants. 

Specialised support coordination

Outcome: Each participant receiving specialised support coordination receives tailored support to implement, monitor and review their support plans and reduce the risk and complexity of their situation. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the risk factors experienced by each participant with high-risk and/or complex needs. 
  • Participants are involved in the evaluation of their situation and the identification of the supports required to prevent or respond to a crisis, incident or breakdown of support arrangements, and the promotion of safety for the participant and others. 
  • Consultation is undertaken with the participant and, with the participant’s consent, the participant’s support network and mainstream services (as appropriate) in planning and coordinating supports to implement the participant’s plan, and any plan review. 
  • In consideration of each participant’s individual needs, preferences and circumstances, suitable NDIS providers and mainstream service providers that have the appropriate skills and experience to deliver the required support are identified. 
  • There is proactive engagement to ensure that all providers implementing the participant’s plan understand and respond to the risk and/or complexity of the participant’s situation, and collaborate with other relevant providers, where required. 
  • All monitoring and reporting obligations associated with the participant’s plan are managed effectively.

Management of a participant’s NDIS supports 

Outcome: Each participant exercises meaningful choice and control over their supports and maximises the value for money they receive from their supports. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Supports and services are arranged using the participant’s NDIS amounts as directed by the participant and for the purposes intended by the participant. 
  • Each participant has been provided with information about their support options using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. 
  • As appropriate, each participant is supported to build their capacity to coordinate, self-direct and manage their supports and to understand how to participate in Agency planning processes such as establishing agreements with service providers and managing budget flexibility. 
  • Supports funded under a participant’s plan are used effectively and efficiently, and are complemented by community and mainstream services to achieve the objectives of the participant’s plan.

Conflict of interest

Outcome: Each participant receives transparent, factual advice about their support options which promotes choice and control.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Conflict of interest policies are provided or explained to each participant using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. 
  • Each participant is supported to understand the distinction between the provision of specialised support coordination and other reasonable and necessary supports funded under a participant’s plan using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. 
  • If the provider has an interest in any support option available to the participant, the participant is aware of this interest. The participant understands that any choice they made about providers of other supports will not impact on the provision of the specialised support coordination. 
  • Referrals to and from other providers are documented for each participant.