NDIS Act, Rules and Standards

The Disability Royal Commission’s Final Report highlighted the quality and safeguarding challenges that still exist for people with disability in the Australian community.

The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Government Services, the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, announced the second part of legislative reform for the NDIS Act.

NDIS Act (Bill No.2)

The proposed changes to Bill No.2 will significantly increase protections for NDIS participants and improve the quality and safety of supports. 

We are proposing 10 quality and safeguarding measures in three main areas:  

  1. Changes to the penalty framework and introducing statutory requirements
  2. Safeguarding measures, and
  3. Information gathering.

Learn more: 

Next steps

Submissions on the Bill No. 2 consultation paper closed on 20 December 2024. Thank you to everyone who provided valuable feedback during this phase of consultation. 

We are currently reviewing submissions and survey responses. The feedback will inform the drafting of proposed amendments to the NDIS Act. 

These amendments will help ensure the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has the necessary powers and regulatory capability to increase the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services for NDIS participants.

A summary report from the consultations will be published on this page in early 2025.

NDIS Rules and Standards

We will be consulting on NDIS Rules and Standards soon. We can let you know when these consultations open.

Get notified when consultations open

Reform timeline 


From October: Consultation starts on NDIS Bill No. 2. 

From 1 November: 

  • State and Territory consultation. 
  • Ministerial roundtables and discussion papers released.

7 November: Consultation paper released, open to submissions.  

20 December: Submissions on Bill No. 2 consultation paper close. 


Timing to be determined: Exposure draft circulated for consultation, NDIS Rules reviewed, Practice standards revised. 


Consultation paper on NDIS Act (Bill No. 2)

Easy read: Consultation paper on NDIS Act (Bill No. 2)

FAQs on changes to NDIS Act (Bill No. 2)

Submission form - NDIS Act (Bill No. 2) Quality and Safeguarding Measures

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