Supplementary module: Specialist behaviour support

These NDIS Practice Standards apply to NDIS providers who are registered to provide specialist behaviour support to NDIS participants. 

Behaviour support in the NDIS

Outcome: Each participant accesses behaviour support that is appropriate to their needs which incorporates evidence-informed practice and complies with relevant legislation and policy frameworks. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 are understood and applied. 
  • All NDIS behaviour support practitioners have been assessed as suitable to deliver specialised positive behaviour support, including assessments and development of behaviour support plans.
  • Each NDIS behaviour support practitioner undertakes ongoing professional development to remain current with evidence-informed practice and approaches to behaviour support, including positive behaviour support. 
  • A specialist behaviour support clinical supervisor provides clinical supervision of each work practice of the NDIS behaviour support practitioner.
  • Demonstrated commitment to reducing and eliminating restrictive practices through policies, procedures and practices.

Restrictive practices

Outcome: Each participant is only subject to a restrictive practice that meets any state and territory authorisation (however described) requirements and the relevant requirements and safeguards outlined in Commonwealth legislation and policy. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Knowledge and understanding of regulated restrictive practices as described in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 and knowledge and understanding of any relevant state or territory legislation and/or policy requirements and processes for obtaining authorisation (however described) for the use of any restrictive practices included in a behaviour support plan. 
  • Each Behaviour Support Practitioner undertakes professional development to maintain an understanding of practices considered restrictive and the risks associated with those practices.
  • Each participant and, with the participant’s consent, their support network, providers implementing behaviour support plans, and other relevant stakeholders are engaged in discussions about the need for restrictive practices and they understand the risks associated with their use. Alternatives to the use of restrictive practices are promoted as part of these discussions. 
  • Each participant and, with the participant’s consent, their support network, their providers implementing behaviour support plans and other relevant stakeholders are engaged in the development of behaviour support strategies that are proportionate to the risk of harm to the participant or others. 
  • Restrictive practices are only included in a participant’s behaviour support plan in accordance with relevant Commonwealth legislation and/or policy requirements and relevant state or territory legislation and/or policy requirements for obtaining authorisation (however described) for the use of any restrictive practices. 
  • Regulated restrictive practices in behaviour support plans comply with the conditions prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018. 
  • Each participant’s behaviour support plan or interim behaviour support plan includes strategies that will lead to the reduction and elimination of any restrictive practices included in the plan. 
  • Support is provided to other providers implementing a behaviour support plan, in delivering services, implementing strategies in the plan and evaluating the effectiveness of current approaches aimed at reducing and eliminating restrictive practices.

Functional behaviour assessments and behaviour support plans

Outcome: Each participant’s quality of life is maintained and improved by tailored, evidence-informed behaviour support plans that are responsive to their needs. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Work is undertaken with each participant and their support network to undertake a behaviour support assessment that identifies unmet participant needs, the function and/or purpose of behaviours, and identify strategies to address behaviours of concern.
  • Behaviour support plans take into account all appropriate sources of information such as the behaviour support assessment, and with the consent of the participant, the participant’s support network, the providers implementing behaviour support plans, and assessments carried out by other collaborating providers and mainstream service providers. 
  • Behaviour support plans are consistent with evidence-informed practice, including proactive strategies. 
  • The interface between a reasonable and necessary supports under a participant’s plan and any other supports or services under a general system of service delivery that the participant receives, are considered, and strategies and protocols are developed to integrate supports/services as practicable. 
  • Behaviour support plans are developed in consultation with the providers implementing behaviour support plans, and the behaviour support plan is given to those providers for their consideration and acceptance. 
  • All behaviour support plans containing a regulated restrictive practice are provided to the Commissioner in the time and manner prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.

Supporting the implementation of the behaviour support plan

Outcome: Each participant’s behaviour support plan is implemented effectively to meet the participant’s behaviour support needs. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Assistance is given to ensure that the providers implementing behaviour support plans understand the relevant state or territory legislative and/or policy requirements for obtaining authorisation (however described) for the use of a restrictive practice included in a behaviour support plan, including any conditions around the use of restrictive practices. 
  • Reasonable measures are taken to ensure the participant, and with the participant’s consent, the participant’s support network, and the providers implementing behaviour support plans, understand the rationale underpinning the behaviour support plan. Instructions and guidance are developed to support the participant, the providers implementing behaviour support plans and the participant’s support network to effectively implement the behaviour support plan. 
  • Providers implementing behaviour support plans are made aware of the reporting requirements prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018. 
  • Person-focused training, coaching and mentoring is facilitated or delivered to each of the providers implementing behaviour support plans, and, with each participant’s consent, their support network (where applicable). It covers the strategies required to implement a participant’s behaviour support plan, including positive behaviour support strategies.
  • Development of behaviour support plans for each participant, in collaboration with the providers implementing the behaviour support plan.
  • Where the specialist behaviour support provider recommends that workers implementing a behaviour support plan receive training on the safe use of a restrictive practice included in a plan, oversight is retained to ensure the training addresses the strategies contained within each participant’s behaviour support plan. 
  • Ongoing support and advice is offered to providers implementing behaviour support plans, and, with the participant’s consent, their support network (where applicable), to address barriers to implementation.

Behaviour support plan monitoring and review

Outcome: Each participant has a current behaviour support plan that reflects their needs, improves their quality of life and supports their progress towards positive change. The plan progresses towards the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices, where these are in place for the participant. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • The progress and effectiveness of implemented strategies are evaluated through regular engagement with the participant, and by reviewing, recording and monitoring data collected by providers implementing behaviour support plans.
  • Modifications to the strategies contained in each participant’s behaviour support plan are made based on engagement with the participant and the results of the information and data analysis, and with the participant’s consent, these changes are communicated, and training is provided (where required) to their support network on the modified strategies.
  • Opportunities to reduce the use of restrictive practices based on documented positive change are pursued. 
  • The Commissioner is notified, and work is undertaken with the Commissioner to address such situations:
    a)    where effective engagement with providers implementing behaviour support plans is not possible for any reason; or
    b)    if the supports and services are not being implemented in accordance with the behaviour support plan. 
  • Each participant’s behaviour support plan is reviewed at least every twelve months. Consideration is given to whether the participant’s needs, situation or progress create a need for more frequent reviews, including if the participant’s behaviour changes, or if a new provider is required to implement the plan. 
  • The Commissioner is notified of changes in each participant’s behaviour support plan in the manner and timeframe prescribed in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.

Reportable incidents involving the use of a restrictive practice

Outcome: Each participant that is subject to an emergency or unauthorised use of a restrictive practice has the use of that practice reported and reviewed. 

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • Support is given to the providers implementing each participant’s behaviour support plan in responding to a reportable incident involving the use of restrictive practices.
  • Each participant, and with the participant’s consent, their support network, the providers implementing behaviour support plans and other stakeholders are included in the review of incidents.

Interim behaviour support plans

Outcome: Each participant with an immediate need for a behaviour support plan receives an interim behaviour support plan which minimises the risk to the participant and others.

To achieve this outcome, the following indicators should be demonstrated:

  • When a participant develops an immediate need for behaviour support, the participant and the providers implementing behaviour support plans are involved in evaluating the risks posed to the participant and others by the participant’s behaviour, and an interim behaviour support plan is developed that appropriately manages that risk. 
  • Advice and guidance is given to the providers implementing behaviour support plans and, with the participant’s consent, their support network on the effective implementation of the interim behaviour support plan.