Practice reviews

What is a practice review?

A practice review is a reflective process that:

  • examines a provider’s engagement with a participant or group of participants  
  • identifies improvements that can be made to their experience of the supports and services being delivered by the provider.

Benefits of practice reviews

Practice reviews aim to:

  • help providers plan, design and conduct reviews of their practice to prevent further incidents occurring
  • better equip workers to manage incidents when they do occur
  • influence improvements across all service delivery functions
  • develop a culture of prevention.

Registered and unregistered providers can use practice reviews to: 

  • gain perspectives from a range of stakeholders that will help you plan ways to improve the quality and safety of supports and services you deliver
  • identify any gaps in your systems and procedures as well as skills and knowledge of your workers to ascertain improvements that can be made. 

Practice reviews also help providers meet their obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct and NDIS Practice Standards.

Guides to planning and undertaking practice reviews

  • Defining practice reviews 
    Practice reviews contribute to safeguarding, and improving the standard of support provided to people with disability.
  • How practice reviews are different 
    Practice reviews are one activity in the continuum of continuous improvement activities NDIS providers use.
  • When to do a practice review 
    You can introduce practice reviews as part of your organisation’s continuous improvement strategies. A practice review culture can become part of your organisation’s mission and goals, and involve all levels of your organisation.
  • The steps involved in a practice review 
    Practice reviews require the participation of a broad range of stakeholders and should encourage recommendations for improvement.
  • What to do after a practice review 
    Reflection is an important part of performing practice reviews. Performing reflection exercises is one way to help you address any complex issues that have arisen during the practice review. 

Defining practice reviews

What is a practice review?

Easy Read: What is a practice review?

Practice Review Framework

Information for family, carers, and participant supporters

How practice reviews are different

The continuous improvement continuum

When to do a practice review

Building a practice review culture

Indicators and triggers for practice reviews

Who to involve in a practice review

Identifying people to participate in a practice review

Who should lead a practice review

The steps involved in a practice review

Consulting with people with disability during a practice review

Engaging people in practice reviews

How to do a practice review

Questions and prompts to use in a practice review with people with disability

What to do after a practice view

Reflection exercise for decision makers

Reflection exercise for practice review participants

Reflection exercise for reviewers