The Positive Behaviour Support Framework

The Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework (the Framework) focuses on the knowledge and skills that underpin contemporary evidence-based practice in positive behaviour support. 

The Framework:

  • provides clear expectations for behaviour support practitioners and helps them move towards a higher standard of practice
  • aims to strengthen the safeguarding for people with disability receiving behaviour support
  • demonstrates the NDIS Commission’s commitment to reducing and eliminating restrictive practices.

It's important for behaviour support practitioners to work with within their knowledge, skills and experience. See our policy guidance

You must apply to become a behaviour support practitioner and be considered suitable by the NDIS Commission to provide behaviour support under the NDIS. 

Who can use the Framework?

The Framework is for anyone who wants to be considered suitable to be an NDIS behaviour support practitioner. A decision about suitability is based on an assessment against the Framework.

The Framework has four capability levels:

  • core
  • proficient
  • advanced 
  • specialist. 

The NDIS Commission does not endorse practitioner capability levels. We only make a decision of 'suitable', 'not suitable' or 'unable to make a decision'.

If you have been considered suitable as an NDIS behaviour support practitioner, you can continue to progress through the practitioner levels through professional and clinical supervision arrangements. You do not need to submit a progression application to the NDIS Commission.

Download the Framework

Download The Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework

There is also an Easy Read version available.

Supporting you to follow the Framework 

The Self-assessment Resource Guide can support individuals to: 

If you have limited portfolio evidence, see the fact sheet: New behaviour support practitioners: Applying for suitability


The Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework

Easy Read: About the Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework 

Self-assessment Resource Guide for the Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework

New behaviour support practitioners: Applying for suitability