The complaints process

Understanding the complaints process


1. Talk to your provider, if possible 

We encourage you to speak with the provider first.


2. Make a complaint to us 

When you complete the online complaint form, we’ll let you know we’ve got it. You can also call us on 1800 035 544.


3. We’ll look into it  

All complaints are important to us. 

We place highest priority on: 

  • harm or a serious risk of harm to participants 
  • negligence by providers 
  • a pattern of ongoing non-compliance by providers
  • violation of human rights. 

A complaints resolution officer might arrange a time to talk to you to understand your concerns.  

We might also talk to the provider or worker and anyone who may be affected or involved. 


4. We’ll take action  

This could be:  

  • support to resolve the complaint yourself
  • requiring the provider to take certain actions
  • working with you and the provider to find a solution
  • collecting information and intelligence to identify emerging risks and inform appropriate responses to complaints
  • taking compliance and enforcement action in serious matters
  • referring your complaint to the right agency or authority. 


5. We’ll let you know how we dealt with your complaint 

We’ll explain to you, the NDIS provider and any person with disability affected by the complaint: 

  • our decision
  • the information considered that led to this decision
  • any actions you or the NDIS provider agreed to take
  • what you can do if you disagree with our decision.

What if I disagree with the decision? 

If you are unhappy with our decision, you can ask us to review it. This is called a reconsideration.  

To ask for a reconsideration, call us on 1800 035 544.

If you prefer to put the matter in writing, email us at and include your Complaint Reference Number (CRN) in the subject line.

If you do not have your CRN handy, don’t worry, we’ll still be able to help you.

You must ask for a reconsideration within 42 days of being informed of the decision. 

Unhappy with how we handled a complaint?

If you are not happy with our response, you can raise your concerns with the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman. They can look at how we handled your complaint, but they can’t change our decision. 

How to contact us


Easy Read: Handling complaints and fixing problems

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