An NDIS behaviour support practitioner is someone the NDIS Commission considers suitable to:
- undertake behaviour support assessments (including functional behavioural assessments)
- develop behaviour support plans, that may also include the use of restrictive practices.
Until the NDIS Commission considers someone suitable to be an NDIS behaviour support practitioner, they cannot undertake behaviour support assessments (including functional behaviour assessments) or develop behaviour support plans, even under supervision.
The practitioner must also be:
- engaged by a registered NDIS provider, or
- registered themselves as a provider (for example, a sole trader).
See rules for behaviour support practitioners.
It's important for behaviour support practitioners to work with within their knowledge, skills and experience. See our policy guidance.
Suitability process
The Behaviour Support Practitioner Suitability Process involves:
- self-assessment against the Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework
- applying to the NDIS Commission to be considered suitable.
For more information, see the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS behaviour support practitioner application) Guidelines 2020
How to apply
1. Prepare to apply
The following resources will support your application:
- The Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework
- Self-assessment Resource Guide for the Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework
2. Complete the online application
Go to the Applications Portal to apply for suitability.
There are two types of application pathways:
- Self-assessment pathway for practitioners who are able to complete the self-assessment process, which includes providing a portfolio of evidence.
- Alternative assessment pathway for new entry-level behaviour support practitioners who have limited portfolio evidence. This fact sheet provides guidance on how to complete the alternative assessment process.
Check all required documents and evidence are uploaded correctly to avoid unnecessary delays in the consideration of your application.
We may ask for more information or work practice examples to help with the assessment process. If we do not receive information within the requested timeframe, you will get a suitability decision of 'unable to make a decision'.
3. Access the decision on your suitability
You will get an email letting you know that a decision has been made on your application.
If you are considered suitable, access your outcome letter through the Registered NDIS Providers portal.
If we ask for more information or work practice examples, go to the Applications portal.
If you are not considered suitable, access your outcome letter through the Applications portal.
If you asked for feedback in your application, it's important to note that the NDIS Commission does not endorse practitioner capability levels. Any feedback provided by the NDIS Commission is for educative purposes only.
Our quick reference guides for behaviour support practitioners explain how to use our portals to:
- apply online to be considered suitable as an NDIS behaviour support practitioner
- respond to a request for more information
- update your practitioner profile.
Enquiries about the suitability of NDIS practitioners: