Provider and worker practices should be evidence-informed, which means research has found the practices to be effective. This helps the NDIS Commission, providers, workers and participants to make informed decisions about NDIS supports and services.
Understanding evidence-informed practice
The Evidence Informed Practice Guide explains what evidence-informed practice is and how to tell if a practice has been informed by evidence.
Practice reviews
You can perform a practice review to help you meet elements of the NDIS Practice Standards and the NDIS Code of Conduct. This is a reflective practice where you assess your own business process and identify gaps.
Learn more: Practice reviews
Practice alerts
Practice alerts are short research summaries that cover how to provide best-practice safe services to people with disability. There are alerts on:
- sleepover shifts
- fire safety measures
- violence against workers
- emergency management
- regular access to healthcare
- dysphagia
- medicines associated with swallowing problems
- epilepsy management
- buccal and intranasal midazolam for epilepsy
- prevention of respiratory infections
- influenza vaccine
- medicines that can cause respiratory depression
- cardiovascular disease
- oral health
- polypharmacy
- transitions of care between disability services and hospitals
- pain management
- lifestyle risk factors
- hot water safety
- sun and summer safety
- safe use of hoists.