The NDIS Commission investigates NDIS compliance issues after a complaint, or based on monitoring that identifies an issue. There can also be more detailed inquiries or reviews to understand the specific details of an incident or identify where general industry practices need to change. We also do ongoing research in specific areas of concern, trends and practice improvement.
Own motion inquiries
An own motion inquiry is when the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner identifies a situation that they feel needs closer examination and requests an inquiry. That inquiry can be done by the NDIS Commission or an independent external party.
Own motion inquiries can be about either:
- a specific complaint or reportable incident, and examine what happened, why it happened, whether anyone is or should be held responsible for it happening, and whether any changes should be made to stop it happening again
- a series of complaints or reportable incidents, and examine system-wide issues and identify areas for change that affect many people with disability or the work of many providers.
Own motion inquiries:
- can examine complaints or reportable incidents even if they have not been received by the NDIS Commission
- have ‘terms of reference’ that state the objective of the inquiry and what incidents will be examined
- can involve looking at documents and records only, or include interviews or submissions from relevant people
- can have the findings published in a report.
Previous own motion inquiries
There have been own motion inquiries into:
Independent reviews
Independent reviews are when an independent party completes a review into a specific incident or specific provider.
- Review into services provided by Irabina Autism Services
- Independent review into circumstances relating to the death of Ann-Marie Smith
Review into services provided by Irabina Autism Services
In 2023 the Hon. Jennifer Boland AM was appointed to conduct an independent review into the NDIS Commission's regulation of Irabina Autism Services (Irabina). The review included reportable incidents, complaints, restrictive practices and prohibited practices.
The full report is not available to the public because it contains protected information. It is a criminal offence under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 to disclose this type of information. A redacted version of the overview report is available.
NDIS market research
The NDIS Commission provides market oversight by:
- collecting and analysing unique data
- identify trends and changes in the NDIS market
- providing advice based on the data and research.
Human rights research and guidance
The NDIS Commission worked with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to understand how we can strengthen our approach to human rights as an industry regulator. This work helped us recreate action statements that we now use in our day-to-day practice. See Human rights guidance.
Research into the quality of supports and services
The NDIS Commission consulted with participants, their advocates, providers, workers and agencies to get insights into what influences the quality of NDIS funded supports and services.
Research on reducing restrictive practices
These evidence summaries are based on research done by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission about reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices. Evidence summaries are an education resource for NDIS providers to help with training and advice.