In force: Banning order - from 5pm 20 Dec 2024 - to 5pm 20 Dec 2029
Sue Gillies
Newborough VIC 3825
On 13 December 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting/restricting Ms Sue Gillies from engaging in the provision of management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including but not limited to:
1. Engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of a NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.
2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.
3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; and/or
4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.
The banning order is in place for a period of five (5) years effective on 20 December 2024 from 5:00 pm (AEDT).
To make an informed decision about the providers or workers you employ or work with, you can search their compliance record to see if they have received any current or past compliance or enforcement actions. More information about the actions included in the search.
- The search looks for individual, sole trader, trading names or company names.
- Search for a business using a single word or partial word, as this may find spelling or name variations.
- Search for a worker using first name or last name, not both.
- If you've searched different possible spellings, action types or years and don't find any results, it's likely the provider or worker hasn't received any enforcement actions.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 17 Dec 2024
RSL Care RDNS Limited (RSL Care RDNS)
All actions for this ABNKelvin Grove QLD 4059
On 17 December 2024, a compliance notice was issued to RSL Care RDNS Limited (RSL Care RDNS) under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The notices require RSL Care RDNS Limited (RSL Care RDNS) to take certain action to address non-compliance with section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 11 Dec 2024
All actions for this ABNMelbourne VIC 3000
On 11 December 2024 a compliance notice was issued to Yooralla under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires Yooralla to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with section 73J of the NDIS Act 2013, specifically s20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 9 Dec 2024 - to 5pm 9 Dec 2029
Paul Robert Irish
Primbee NSW 2502
On 29 November 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Irish from engaging in the provision or management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the NDIS including but not limited to:
1. Engaging in activities that key personnel of a NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.
2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.
3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; and
4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.
This Order takes effect on 9 December 2024 at 5:00pm for a period of five (5) years and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 9 Dec 2024
James Ng’Ang’A Irungu
Marangaroo WA 6064
On the 27 November 2024, a permanent banning order was issued to James Ng’Ang’A Irungu under section 73ZN (2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act, restricting him from engaging in the provision or management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including but not limited to:
1. Engaging in activities that key personnel of a NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services; and/or
4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.
The banning order comes into effect 9 December 2024 from 5:00pm (AEDT).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 6 Dec 2024 - to 5pm 6 Dec 2028
Sharna Louise Burnell
Utakarra WA 6530
On 26 November 2024 a banning order was made under 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Sharna Louise Burnell from being involved in delivering NDIS supports or services involving direct or indirect contact to NDIS funded participants for a period of four (4) years effective 6 December 2024 from 5:00pm AWST.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 6 Dec 2024 - to 5pm 6 Dec 2028
Cyriaque Nijenahagera
Paralowie SA 5108
On 26 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act] of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Cyriaque Nijenahagera from providing NDIS supports or services involving direct contact with NDIS participants for a period of four (4) years effective 6 December 2024 from 5:00pm ACDST.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 2 Dec 2024
Jorge Guillen
Warrawong NSW 2502
On 2 December 2024, a banning order issued on 6 June 2024 under sections 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) and (iv) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), was varied under section 100. The Banning Order restricts/prohibits Mr Jorge Guillen from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan.
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan.
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between Mr Jorge Guillen and an NDIS Participant.
This Order takes effect on 2 December 2024 at 5:00 pm (AEDT) and remains in force permanently and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 29 Nov 2024
Jordan Hawkins
Wangaratta VIC 3677
On 29 November 2024 at 5:00 pm (AEDT), a permanent banning order was made against Jordan Hawkins under section 73ZN(2)(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), restricting him from:
1. Providing or personally being involved in the provision, to any NDIS participant, of any support or supports under a participant’s plan; or
2. Engaging in any work or providing or performing any supports or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may provide access to an NDIS participant’s sensitive personal or financial information (such as banking details).
This order is permanent and takes effect on 29 November 2024 at 5:00 pm and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 29 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 29 Nov 2029
Taleena Catheryne Whiting
Landsdale WA 6065
On 25 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Taleena Catheryne Whiting being involved in any role that provides NDIS supports or services to NDIS funded participants for a period of five (5) years effective 29 November 2024 from 5:00pm.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 27 Nov 2024
CDNI Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNChipping Norton NSW 2170
On 27 November 2024 a compliance notice was issued to CDNI Care Pty Ltd (CDNI) under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires CDNI to take certain actions to address non-compliance with section 20 of the Incident Management and Reportable Incidents Rules.
In force: Compliance notice - from 6pm 26 Nov 2024
Disability Services Commission
All actions for this ABNFremantle WA 6160
On 26 November 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Disability Services Commission under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Disability Services Commission to take certain action to address non-compliance with section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 26 Nov 2024 - to 12am 12 Jul 2029
Benjamin Kulman
Newington VIC 3350
On Tuesday 26 November 2024, the banning order was varied under section 100 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Benjamin Kulman from being engaged in the following NDIS activities for a period of five (5) years:
- Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support(s) or service(s) under a Participant’s Plan.
- Engage in any work or provide or perform any support(s) or service(s) (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any person contact between you and an NDIS Participant.
This banning order is made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and section 73ZN(2)(b) of the NDIS Act and takes effect on 26 November 2024 from 6:01pm (AEDT). The order remains in force until 12:00am on 12 July 2029, across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Nov 2024
Infinate Care Pty Ltd Trading as Care Without Limits, and Ozzie Rides
All actions for this ABNBrookfield VIC 3338
On 4 November 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Infinate Care Pty Ltd under section 73P(1)(a)) and 73P(1)(e)) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
Classes of support:
- 101 Accommodation/Tenancy
- 106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition
- 107 Assist-Personal Activities
- 111 Home Modification
- 114 Community Nursing Care
- 115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living
- 116 Innovative Community Participation
- 117 Development-Life Skills
- 118 Early Childhood Supports
- 120 Household Tasks
- 125 Participate Community
- 127 Plan Management
- 128 Therapeutic Supports
- 136 Group/Centre Activities
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22 November 2024.
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 22 Nov 2024
Aluel Deng Mawiir
All actions for this ABNBrookfield VIC 3338
On 4 November 2024, a permanent banning order was made under section sections 73ZN(2)(a)(ii) and 73ZN(2)(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The order permanently restricts Ms Aluel Deng Mawiir from being engaged in the management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and holding a position of authority, control or responsibility of a NDIS provider including but not limited to;
1. Engaging in activities that key personnel (as defined under section 11A of the NDIS Act) of an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
2. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken as a consultant for a NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
3. Engaging in activities that would be undertaken as an auditor for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
4. Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role as a provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.
This Order takes effect on 22 November 2024 at 5:00pm )AEST) and operates across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 21 Nov 2024 - to 6pm 21 Nov 2026
Talent Dube
Perth WA 6057
On 21 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Talent Dube from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants, specifically:
- Providing or being involved or assisting in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan;
- Providing or being involved in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan;
- Engaging in any work or providing or performing any service or services (where paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant.
effective from 5:00 pm on 21 November 2024 for a period of two (2) years.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 19 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 19 Nov 2034
Hawolul Issak
Merrylands NSW 2160
On 18 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. Specifically prohibiting Ms Hawolul Issak from being engaged in the following NDIS activities for a period of ten (10) years.
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan;
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan;
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant.
Effective from 19 November 2024 at 5pm for a period of ten (10) years across all States and Territories of Australia
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Nov 2024
All actions for this ABNKarawara WA 6152
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RATH, MARGARET MARY on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RATH, MARGARET MARY has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RATH, MARGARET MARY to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RATH, MARGARET MARY’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/11/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 19 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 19 Nov 2034
Mohamed Issak
Guildford NSW 2161
On 18 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. Specifically prohibiting Mohamed Issak from being engaged in the following NDIS activities for a period of ten (10) years.
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan;
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan;
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant.
Effective from 19 November 2024 at 5pm for a period of ten (10) years across all States and Territories of Australia
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 Nov 2024
Nathan John Steven GRAY
All actions for this ABNMaryland NSW 2287
On 4 November 2024 a banning order of Nathan John Steven GRAY was made, under Section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme 2013 (Cth), permanently prohibiting Nathan John Steven GRAY from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services to people with disability effective from 5:00pm on 15 November 2024. This involves the following activities:
1. engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
2. engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
3. engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
4. engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 15 Nov 2028
Joshua Adam Lambert
Paradise SA 5705
On 12 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Joshua Adam Lambert from being involved in delivering NDIS supports or services involving direct contact to NDIS funded participants for a period of four (4) years effective from 15 November 2024. This includes:
- physically touching a person with disability or
- having contact with multiple NDIS funded participants as part of the direct delivery of a specialist disability support or service or
- building a rapport with NDIS funded participants as an ordinary part of the performance of normal duties whether face-to-face, or via oral communication, written communication, or electronic communication.
The banning order would operate across all states and territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 15 Nov 2028
Harrison Lemayian Kimeei
Cranbourne West VIC 3977
On 13 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act] of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Harrison Lemayian Kimeei from being involved in delivering any NDIS supports or services to NDIS funded participants under the age of 18 for a period of four (4) years effective 15 November 2024 from 5:00pm.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 15 Nov 2026
Somtochukwu Okonkwo
Doolandella QLD 4077
On 15 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 restricting Mr Somtochukwu Okonkwo from the following activities related to the provision of NDIS funded supports and services to NDIS participants for a period of two (2) years.
1. Prohibited from providing NDIS funded supports and services to people with disability who are under a Positive Behaviour Support Plan of any kind.
2. Restricted to working between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm on any given day and must not work longer than 10-hour shifts.
Effective from 15 November 2024 at 5pm across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 15 Nov 2026
Nnabuike Johnson Omeh
Doolandella QLD 4077
On 15 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 restricting Mr Nnabuike Johnson Omeh from the following activities related to the provision of NDIS funded supports and services to NDIS participants for a period of two (2) years.
1. Prohibited from providing NDIS funded supports and services to people with disability who are under a Positive Behaviour Support Plan of any kind.
2. Restricted to working between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm on any given day and must not work longer than 10-hour shifts.
Effective from 15 November 2024 at 5pm across all States and Territories of Australia
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 13 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 13 Nov 2026
Kitione Tuiqilai
Bentley WA 6102
On 13 November 2024 a temporary banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 temporarily prohibiting Mr Kitione Tuiqilai from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants effective Wednesday 13 November 2024 from 5:00pm, for a period of 2 years, across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 13 Nov 2024
Southern Cross Support Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNAvoca QLD 4670
On 13 November 2024 a compliance notice was issued to Southern Cross Support Services Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The notice requires Southern Cross Support Services Pty Ltd to take certain actions in order to address possible non-compliance with section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 11 Nov 2024
Carmelo Davide Graziano
All actions for this ABNWest Lakes Shore SA 5020
On Monday 11 November 2024, the banning order was varied under section 100 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Carmelo Davide Graziano from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:
Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support(s) or service(s) under a Participant’s Plan.
Note: Without limiting the operation of this order, this includes prohibiting the management of NDIS plan funds, operating in a consultancy or education capacity to NDIS Providers in respect of their delivery of support(s) or service(s) under a Participant’s Plan.
- Engage in any work or provide or perform any support(s) or service(s) (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any person contact between you and an NDIS Participant.
NDIS Participant means a participant within the meaning of s 9 of the NDIS Act;
NDIS Provider means an NDIS Provider within the meaning of s 9 of the NDIS Act;
Participant’s Plan means a plan within the meaning of s 9 of the NDIS Act.
This new banning order takes effect on 11 November 2024 at 5:00 pm (ACDT) and remains in force permanently, across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 11 Nov 2024
Disability Connect NSW Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCampbelltown NSW 2560
On 11 November 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Disability Connect NSW Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Disability Connect NSW Pty Ltd to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with Section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 8 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 8 Nov 2029
Metuisela Railumu Donu
Bethania QLD 4205
On 29 October 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Metuisela Railumu Donu from engaging in any activities that entail the provision of disability supports and services to NDIS funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme, including but not limited to:
- Engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
- Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
- Engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports and services;
- Engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded support or services to people with a disability in the NDIS.
The Banning Order is effective from 5.00pm QLD time on 8 November 2024 for a period of five (5) years across all states and territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 7 Nov 2024 - to 5pm 7 Nov 2026
Anh Quoc Vuong
Meadow Heights VIC 3048
On Wednesday 6 November 2024, a banning order variation was made under section 73ZO(1) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) prohibiting Anh Quoc Vuong from being involved in the provision of supports and services to NDIS participants for a period of two (2) years, effective from 5:00 pm (ADST) on Thursday 7 November 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 6pm 7 Nov 2024
Family First Disability Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNThornlands QLD 4164
On the 7 November 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Family First Disability Services Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Family First Disability Services Pty Ltd to take certain action to address possible non-compliance with section 9 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018, specifically in relation to the obligation to obtain State or Territory authorisation for the use of a regulated restrictive practice in relation to a person with disability and to lodge with the Commissioner evidence of authorisation as soon as reasonably practicable.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 4 Nov 2024
Phoenix Community Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGosnells WA 6110
On 4 November 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Phoenix Community Care Pty Ltd under section 73P(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The revocation takes effect from 4 November 2024.
Classes of support:
106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition
107 Assist-Personal Activities
108 Assist-Travel/Transport
114 Community Nursing Care
115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living
117 Development-Life Skills
120 Household Tasks
125 Participate Community
136 Group/Centre Activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 1 Nov 2024
Wallara Australia Ltd
All actions for this ABNKeysborough VIC 3173
On 1 November 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Wallara Australia Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Wallara Australia Ltd to take certain action to address non-compliance with section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 1 Nov 2024
Mr Leauanae Kirisome
Greenbank QLD 4124
On 1 November 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Leauanae Kirisome from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants indefinitely effective from 5:00 pm on 1 November 2024. This involves the following activities:
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan.
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a Participant’s Plan.
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and an NDIS Participant.
In force: Compliance notice - from 6pm 28 Oct 2024
Nulsen Group Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCannington WA 6107
On 28 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Nulsen Group Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Nulsen Group Ltd to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with Section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 25 Oct 2024
Priscilla James
Kingaroy QLD 4160
On 23 October 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(i) and 73(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Priscilla James from providing supports or services to participants funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
A condition of the banning order is that Priscilla James is prohibited from being on the same premises as NDIS participants.
The banning order will take effect from 5:00pm on 25 October 2024
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Oct 2024
Nicholas James Kennedy
Junee NSW 2663
On 22 October 2024, a formal Banning Order was issued against Nicholas under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting him from providing supports or services in any capacity to people with disability. Specifically, Mr Nicholas James Kennedy is prohibited from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:
- Providing any form of support or services to NDIS participants or people with a disability;
- Being employed or otherwise engaged by any NDIS provider in any capacity;
- Being involved in the provision, management, or administration of any NDIS supports or services; and
- Having any contact with NDIS participants in a profession capacity.
The Banning Order takes effect from 5.00pm AEST on 23 October 2024 and operates across all states and territories of Australia.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 23 Oct 2024
Unisson Disability Limited
All actions for this ABNSydney NSW 2077
On 23 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Unisson Disability Limited under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Unisson Disability Limited to take certain action to address possible non-compliance with Section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incident Rules).
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNDeer Park VIC 3023
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to V CONNECT COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that V CONNECT COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by V CONNECT COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of V CONNECT COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation/Tenancy
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNCroydon VIC 3136
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to MAGNOLIA CENTRED CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that MAGNOLIA CENTRED CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by MAGNOLIA CENTRED CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of MAGNOLIA CENTRED CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNClyde VIC 3978
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to EDELWEISS CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that EDELWEISS CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by EDELWEISS CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of EDELWEISS CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNWelshpool WA 6106
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to LIFE PLAN RECREATION AND LEISURE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that LIFE PLAN RECREATION AND LEISURE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by LIFE PLAN RECREATION AND LEISURE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of LIFE PLAN RECREATION AND LEISURE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNWellard WA 6170
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SEKAI SVOSVE on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SEKAI SVOSVE has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SEKAI SVOSVE to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SEKAI SVOSVE’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation/Tenancy
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
Multicultural Youth Support Services Incorporated
All actions for this ABNCranbourne West VIC 3977
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Multicultural Youth Support Services Incorporated on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Multicultural Youth Support Services Incorporated has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Multicultural Youth Support Services Incorporated to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Multicultural Youth Support Services Incorporated’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNFrankston VIC 3199
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to MICCHI - DISABILITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that MICCHI - DISABILITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by MICCHI - DISABILITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of MICCHI - DISABILITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNParap NT 820
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HINGPIS, JEFF STEPHEN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HINGPIS, JEFF STEPHEN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HINGPIS, JEFF STEPHEN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HINGPIS, JEFF STEPHEN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNNorth Kellyville NSW 2155
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GOODMAN CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GOODMAN CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GOODMAN CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GOODMAN CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0111 Home Modification | 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 111 home modifications; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 131 specialist disability accommodation only;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNMurrumbeena VIC 3163
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to VICTORIAN CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that VICTORIAN CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by VICTORIAN CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of VICTORIAN CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation/Tenancy
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNLeichhardt NSW 2040
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AFTERHOURS KID PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AFTERHOURS KID PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AFTERHOURS KID PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AFTERHOURS KID PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements *
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
Registration Group
108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
Ms Nolene Patricia Hayes
All actions for this ABNCumbalum NSW 2478
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Ms Nolene Patricia Hayes on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Ms Nolene Patricia Hayes has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Ms Nolene Patricia Hayes to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Ms Nolene Patricia Hayes’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNMaitland NSW 2320
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to BALFOUR, JENNIE SUZANNE on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that BALFOUR, JENNIE SUZANNE has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by BALFOUR, JENNIE SUZANNE to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of BALFOUR, JENNIE SUZANNE’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 22 Oct 2024
All actions for this ABNGreystanes NSW 2145
On the 22/10/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to COMFORT DISABILITY SOLUTIONS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that COMFORT DISABILITY SOLUTIONS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by COMFORT DISABILITY SOLUTIONS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of COMFORT DISABILITY SOLUTIONS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 22/10/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 21 Oct 2024
Vannara Kheav
Modbury SA 5092
On 10 October 2024, a banning order was made under 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Vannara Kheav from providing supports or services to NDIS funded participants under the age of 18 years old in the National Disability Insurance Scheme effective from 5pm ACDST on 21 October 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 21 Oct 2024 - to 5pm 21 Oct 2028
Criss Adriel
Canley Vale NSW 2166
On 18 October 2024, a banning order was made under 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Criss Adriel from providing supports or services to NDIS funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of four (4) years, effective from 5pm on 21 October 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 18 Oct 2024
The Trustee for Noswad Yelkcub Family Trust
All actions for this ABNBollier QLD 4570
On 18 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to The Trustee for Noswad Yelkcub Family Trust under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires The Trustee for Noswad Yelkcub Family Trust to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with sections 10 and 15 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Provider Registration and Practice Standards) Rules 2018; section 13 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Practice Standards – Worker Screening) Rules 2018 and sections 10 and 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 17 Oct 2024
Magenta Community Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNToowoomba City QLD 4350
On 17 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Magenta Community Services Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices require Magenta Community Services Pty Ltd to take certain actions in order to address non-compliance with section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 14 Oct 2024 - to 5pm 14 Oct 2026
Trevor Noel Mutch
Tewantin QLD 4565
On 14 October 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Trevor Mutch being engaged in the following NDIS activities:
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan.
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a participant’s Plan.
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant.
The Banning Order is effective from 5:00 pm on 14 October 2024 for a period of two (2) years across all states and territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 11 Oct 2024 - to 5pm 11 Oct 2026
Katrine Hay
Brisbane QLD 4000
On 11 October 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Katrine Hay from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan.
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a participant’s Plan.
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between you and a NDIS Participant.
The Banning Order is effective from 5:00 pm on 11 October 2024 for a period of two (2) years and operates in all states and territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 9 Oct 2024 - to 5pm 23 Jul 2029
Sanjay Ratanpal
St Agnes SA 5097
On 9 July 2024 , A banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) prohibiting Sanjay Ratanpal from being involved in the provision of supports and services to NDIS participants for a period of five (5) years, effective from 5:00 pm (SA Time) on Tuesday 23 July 2024.
On 9 October 2024, the banning order was varied under section 100 of the NDIS Act to change the specified activities as defined in the banning order restricting/prohibiting Mr Sanjay Ratanpal from being engaged in the following NDIS activities:
1. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any support or supports under a Participant’s Plan.
2. Provide or be involved or assist in the provision, to any NDIS Participant, of any service or services under a participant’s Plan.
3. Engage in any work or provide or perform any service or services (whether paid or unpaid), for or on behalf of any NDIS Provider, which may occasion any personal contact between Mr Ratanpal and a NDIS Participant.
This Order takes effect on 9 October 2024 at 5:00 pm (ACDT) and remains in force until 5:00pm (ACST) on 23 July 2029 and operates across all states and territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 4 Oct 2024 - to 6pm 4 Oct 2026
Shane Yule
Cairns QLD 4870
On 1 October 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Shane YULE from engaging in any activities that entail the provision of disability supports and services to NDIS funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of two (2) years; effective from 4 October 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 2 Oct 2024
Specialist Disability Housing Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNPerth WA 6021
On 2 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Specialist Disability Housing Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Specialist Disability Housing Pty Ltd to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with Section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 2 Oct 2024
274 Homebound Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNMelbourne VIC 3030
On 2 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to 274 Homebound Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires 274 Homebound Pty Ltd to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with section 20 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 2 Oct 2024
North Australia Global Services Pty Ltd trading as Territory Care and Support Services (TCASS)
All actions for this ABNDarwin NT 0801
On 2 October 2024, a compliance notice was issued to North Australia Global Services Pty Limited trading as Territory Care and Support Services under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires North Australia Global Services Pty Limited trading as Territory Care and Support Services to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 73J of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the NDIS Act).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 27 Sep 2024 - to 5pm 27 Sep 2026
Allyson Rochelle Coleman
Hassall Grove NSW 2761
On 23 September 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mrs Allyson Coleman from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants for a period of 2 years effective from 5:00 pm on 27 September 2024
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 27 Sep 2024
Raheel Chaudhry
All actions for this ABNBreakfast point NSW 2137
On 16 September 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Mr Raheel Chaudhry trading as RMC Plan Managers, under sections 73P(1)(a) and 73P(1)(d) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The revocation takes effect from 5:00pm on 27 September 2024.
Registration Group
127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 27 Sep 2024 - to 5pm 26 Sep 2029
Raheel Chaudhry
All actions for this ABNBreakfast Point NSW 2137
On 16 September 2024, a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(1)(a) and 73ZN(1)(b)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Raheel Chaudhry, trading as RMC Plan Managers, from engaging in the provision or management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme
(NDIS), including but not limited to:
- engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
- engaging in activities that would be undertaken by a consultant for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
- engaging in activities that would be undertaken by an auditor for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services;
- engaging in activities in a non-service and non-support delivery role for an NDIS provider, to the extent that those activities have a direct effect on the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability in the NDIS.
The banning order is effective for a period of 5 years, taking effect from 5:00pm on 27 September 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 24 Sep 2024
Gavin Michael Raye
All actions for this ABNHammond Park WA 6164
On 24 September 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Gavin Michael Raye from the provision of NDIS-funded supports or services to any National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant for a period of six (6) months effective from 24 September 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 24 Sep 2024 - to 5pm 24 Sep 2027
Rahul Chouhan
Richmond SA 5033
On Monday 23 September 2024 , A banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iv) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) prohibiting Rahul Chouhan from being involved in the provision of supports and services to NDIS participants for a period of three (3) years, effective from 5:00 pm (SA Time) on Tuesday 24 September 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 18 Sep 2024 - to 5pm 17 Sep 2026
Magda Fawzi Elabd Mikhaiel
Blacktown NSW 2148
On 17 September 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iv) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms. Magda Fawzi Elabd Mikhaiel from engaging in the provision or management of NDIS supports, services or funding to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for a period of two (2) years effective from 18 September 2024 at 5:00pm.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 13 Sep 2024
Scott Silvey
Secret Harbour WA 6173
On 10 September 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Scott Silvey from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme permanently effective from 13 September 2024
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 7 Sep 2024
Comfort Care Support Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNTarneit VIC 3029
On 6 August 2024 a revocation and banning order was made under sections 73P & 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting and restricting Comfort Care Support Services Pty Ltd from undertaking the following activities:
• Delivering support and services to NDIS funded participants
• Operating as an NDIS provider
• Operating as a consultant in the NDIS Sector
• Operating as an auditor in the NDIS Sector
• Providing any non-service and support delivery role for a NDIS provider
The order takes effect at 5:00pm on 7 September 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 6 Sep 2024
Connie Timothy Sivaly
Tarneit VIC 3029
On 12 August 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting and restricting Ms Connie Timothy SIVALY from providing services to people with disability. The order takes effect at 5:00pm on 6 September 2024.
No longer in force: Suspension of registration - from 5pm 6 Sep 2024 - to 5pm 6 Oct 2024
Raheel CHAUDHRY (t/a RMC Plan Managers)
All actions for this ABNBreakfast point NSW 2137
On 4 September 2024, a suspension notice was issued to Raheel CHAUDHRY, suspending their registration for a period of 30 days, effective from 6 September 2024. The suspension of registration was based on section 73N(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
Registration Group
127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNRichmond VIC 3121
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to J GORMLEY & L.L HOCKEY on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that J GORMLEY & L.L HOCKEY has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by J GORMLEY & L.L HOCKEY to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of J GORMLEY & L.L HOCKEY’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
110 specialist positive behaviour support; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNSunshine West VIC 3020
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to EMPIRE COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that EMPIRE COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by EMPIRE COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of EMPIRE COMMUNITY CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNCranbourne North VIC 3977
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AFFINITY SUPPORT PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AFFINITY SUPPORT PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AFFINITY SUPPORT PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AFFINITY SUPPORT PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNClayton VIC 3168
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to NGATUAINE HOSKING on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that NGATUAINE HOSKING has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by NGATUAINE HOSKING to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of NGATUAINE HOSKING’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills|0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNSeven Hills NSW 2147
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to @HANDS2HELP PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that @HANDS2HELP PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by @HANDS2HELP PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of @HANDS2HELP PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNGlenrowan VIC 3675
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GEMMA LUDVIGH on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GEMMA LUDVIGH has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GEMMA LUDVIGH to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GEMMA LUDVIGH’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNNewborough VIC 3825
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GIPPSLAND LATROBE ABORIGINAL ADVOCACY & SUPPORT PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GIPPSLAND LATROBE ABORIGINAL ADVOCACY & SUPPORT PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GIPPSLAND LATROBE ABORIGINAL ADVOCACY & SUPPORT PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GIPPSLAND LATROBE ABORIGINAL ADVOCACY & SUPPORT PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNPrahran VIC 3181
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to NATALIE CIGNARELLA on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that NATALIE CIGNARELLA has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by NATALIE CIGNARELLA to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of NATALIE CIGNARELLA’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
All actions for this ABNSt Kilda VIC 3182
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to STAR HEALTH GROUP LIMITED on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that STAR HEALTH GROUP LIMITED has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by STAR HEALTH GROUP LIMITED to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of STAR HEALTH GROUP LIMITED’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0124 Communication and information equipment
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
105 personal mobility equipment; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 111 home modifications; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 124 communication and information equipment; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 2 Sep 2024
Marvel Care Australia Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNSmeaton Grange NSW 2567
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Marvel Care Australia Pty Ltd on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Marvel Care Australia Pty Ltd has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Marvel Care Australia Pty Ltd to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Marvel Care Australia Pty Ltd’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 02/09/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 30 Aug 2024
Mary Akook Deng
All actions for this ABNSt Albans VIC 3021
On 9 August 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Deng, Mary Akook under section 73P(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The revocation takes effect from 30 August 2024.
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 29 Aug 2024
My Ability Australia Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNKilburn SA 5084
On 19 September 2024, the compliance notice was varied under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The variation extended the date by which My Ability Australia Pty Ltd must take to complete the required actions in order to address non-compliance identified in the compliance notice and also included requirement for My Ability Australia Pty Ltd to take certain actions to regarding the transitioning of an NDIS participant.
On 29 August 2024, a compliance notice was issued to My Ability Australia Pty Ltd under section 73ZM cramof the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires My Ability Australia Pty Ltd to take certain actions in order to address possible non-compliance with sections 6(1)(c) and 6(1)(f) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Code of Conduct) Rules 2018.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 26 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGoulburn NSW 2580
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CHALLENGE FOUNDATION GOULBURN INC on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CHALLENGE FOUNDATION GOULBURN INC has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CHALLENGE FOUNDATION GOULBURN INC to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CHALLENGE FOUNDATION GOULBURN INC’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 26/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 22 Aug 2026
Alan MacDonald
Bankstown NSW 2200
On 19 August 2024, a Banning Order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) prohibiting Alan MacDonald, from undertaking the following activities for a period of two years:
• Delivering supports and services to NDIS funded participants
• Operating as an NDIS provider
• Operating as a consultant in the NDIS Sector
• Operating as an auditor in the NDIS Sector
• Providing any non-service and support delivery role for an NDIS provider.
The period of 2 years commences from 5.00pm AEST on 23 August 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 22 Aug 2029
Maxwell Bridges
Windale NSW 236
On 20 August 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Maxwell Bridges from being involved in the provision of supports and services to people with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme with effect from 23 August 2024 for a period of 5 years.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024
Adam Morris
Bonville NSW 2540
A banning order was made against Adam Morris under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the NDIS Act, prohibiting him from being involved in the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability with effect from 23 August 2024 indefinitely.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 23 Aug 2026
Denise Jayne CLISSOLD
Eraring NSW 2264
On 20 August 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Denise Jayne Clissold, for a period of two (2) years from:
- Engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.
- Engaging in activities that include the management or provision of accommodation to people with disability in the NDIS.
- Engaging in activities that include the submission, modification, or cancellation of payment requests through the NDIA’s provider portal or indirectly via third parties (such as plan managers), in respect of people with a NDIS support plan.
Effective from 5pm on 23 August 2024 across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024
Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreenway ACT 2900
On 19 August 2024, a Banning Order was issued to Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd, effective from 5.00pm AEST on 23
August 2024.The banning order was based on section 73ZN(1(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024
Protos Care Services (PCS)
All actions for this ABNGreenway ACT 2900
On 19 August 2024, a notice of revocation notice was issued to Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd, revoking their registration, effective from 5.00pm AEST on 23 August 2024.
The revocation of registration was based on section 73P(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 23 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 22 Aug 2026
Denise Jayne Clissold
Eraring NSW 2264
On 20 August 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Denise Jayne Clissold, for a period of two (2) years from:
- Engaging in activities that a member of the key personnel of an NDIS provider would undertake, to the extent that those activities relate to NDIS supports or services.
- Engaging in activities that include the management or provision of accommodation to people with disability in the NDIS.
- Engaging in activities that include the submission, modification, or cancellation of payment requests through the NDIA’s provider portal or indirectly via third parties (such as plan managers), in respect of people with a NDIS support plan.
Effective from 5pm on 23 August 2024 across all States and Territories of Australia.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 22 Aug 2024
Sunnyday Carers Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNRyde NSW 2112
On 22 August 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Sunnyday Carers Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Sunnyday Carers Pty Ltd to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 9 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 and section 21 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (the Reportable Incidents Rules).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 21 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 21 Aug 2027
Promise Momah
Sunshine VIC 3024
On 20 August 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Promise Momah from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants for a period of 3 years effective from 5:00 pm on 21 August 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWamberal NSW 2260
On the 5/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to STAMPOUT PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that STAMPOUT PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by STAMPOUT PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of STAMPOUT PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
112 assistive equipment for recreation; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWoonona NSW 2517
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to MINAA HEALTH PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that MINAA HEALTH PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by MINAA HEALTH PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of MINAA HEALTH PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 133 specialised supported employment; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMerrylands West NSW 2160
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RELIABLE NATIONWIDE CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RELIABLE NATIONWIDE CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RELIABLE NATIONWIDE CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RELIABLE NATIONWIDE CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities|0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0109 Vehicle Modifications
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 109 vehicle modifications; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub.Aboriginal Corporations.
All actions for this ABNInverell NSW 2360
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub.Aboriginal Corporations. on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub.Aboriginal Corporations. has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub.Aboriginal Corporations. to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub.Aboriginal Corporations.’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
Just for You Healthcare Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNPrestons NSW 2170
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Just for You Healthcare Pty Ltd on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Just for You Healthcare Pty Ltd has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Just for You Healthcare Pty Ltd to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Just for You Healthcare Pty Ltd’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCatherine Field NSW 2557
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ALLROUNDCARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ALLROUNDCARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ALLROUNDCARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ALLROUNDCARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 105 personal mobility equipment; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMeadow Heights VIC 3048
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ALLURE CARE SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ALLURE CARE SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ALLURE CARE SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ALLURE CARE SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPunchbowl NSW 2196
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNAuburn NSW 2144
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to FOX PHYSIO PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that FOX PHYSIO PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by FOX PHYSIO PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of FOX PHYSIO PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0111 Home Modification|0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 105 personal mobility equipment; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 111 home modifications; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBishops Bridge NSW 2326
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to JAMES DAVID BALFOUR on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that JAMES DAVID BALFOUR has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by JAMES DAVID BALFOUR to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of JAMES DAVID BALFOUR’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBankstown NSW 2200
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AMOR CARE PTY LTD. on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AMOR CARE PTY LTD. has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AMOR CARE PTY LTD. to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AMOR CARE PTY LTD.’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 116 innovative community participation; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNLambton NSW 2299
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to A.J BLACK & C.M CHITTENDEN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that A.J BLACK & C.M CHITTENDEN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by A.J BLACK & C.M CHITTENDEN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of A.J BLACK & C.M CHITTENDEN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 19 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBerri SA 5343
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to STEPHANIE MARIE JORDAN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that STEPHANIE MARIE JORDAN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by STEPHANIE MARIE JORDAN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of STEPHANIE MARIE JORDAN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 19/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 16 Aug 2024
Joanne Louise Mobbs
New Auckland QLD 4680
On 29 July 2024 a banning order of Joanne Louise MOBBS was made, under Section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme 2013 (Cth), permanently prohibiting Joanne Louise MOBBS from engaging in any activities relating to the provision of supports and services to people with disability effective from 5:00PM 16 August 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 16 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 16 May 2025
Mana Support Pty Ltd
West Hoxton NSW 2171
A variation to extend the existing banning order has been issued to extend the current banning order for a further six (6) months, ending on 16 May 2025.
On 19 July 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iv) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting MANA SUPPORT PTY LTD (Mana Support) from providing supports or services to participants funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), specifically:
- where there is, or is likely to be, an interim or ongoing need to use a regulated restrictive practice (RRP) in relation to the participant; or
- where the participant has a behaviour support plan (BSP) that is lodged with the NDIS Commission, including the participants named in an attachment to the order.
The banning order will take effect from 5:00pm on 16 August 2024 for a period of three (3) months, ending on 16 November 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 12 Aug 2024
Access Community Services Limited
All actions for this ABNLogan Central QLD 4114
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Access Community Services Limited on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Access Community Services Limited has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Access Community Services Limited to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Access Community Services Limited’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 12/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 133 specialised supported employment; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 12 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNArundel QLD 4214
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to INTEGRAL THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that INTEGRAL THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by INTEGRAL THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of INTEGRAL THERAPEUTIC SUPPORT PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 12/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 12 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGrange QLD 4051
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to TDP PROPERTY PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that TDP PROPERTY PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by TDP PROPERTY PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of TDP PROPERTY PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 12/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 12 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMango Hill QLD 4509
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to BEING YOU MENTAL HEALTH PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that BEING YOU MENTAL HEALTH PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by BEING YOU MENTAL HEALTH PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of BEING YOU MENTAL HEALTH PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 12/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
110 specialist positive behaviour support; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 9 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 8 Aug 2026
Donna Roth
Cambridge Gardens NSW 2747
On 5 August 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms Donna Roth from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of 2 years effective from 9 August 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 8 Aug 2024
Anastasia Moutsos
Broadmeadows VIC 3044
On 7 August 2021, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and (iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Anastasia Moutsos, from being involved in the provision of supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability for a period of 3 years, effective from 5:00 pm on 9 August 2021.On 7 August 2024, the banning order was varied under section 73ZO of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, across all States and Territories of Australia restricting Anastasia Moutsos from permanently being involved in the provision of supports and services to people with disability, under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and (iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The variation takes effect 5:00pm on 8 August 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 8 Aug 2024
Monika Paniczko
Pascoe Vale VIC 3044
On 7 August 2021, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and (iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Monika Paniczko, from being involved in the provision of supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability for a period of 3 years, effective from 5:00 pm on 9 August 2021.
On 7 August 2024, the banning order was varied under section 73ZO of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, across all States and Territories of Australia restricting Monika Paniczko from permanently being involved in the provision of supports and services to people with disability, under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and (iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The variation takes effect 5:00pm on 8 August 2024.
No longer in force: Suspension of registration - from 5pm 6 Aug 2024 - to 5pm 5 Sep 2024
Raheel CHAUDHRY (t/a RMC Plan Managers)
All actions for this ABNBreakfast point NSW 2137
On 6 August 2024, a suspension notice was issued to Raheel CHAUDHRY, suspending their registration for a period of 30 days, effective from 6 August 2024. The suspension of registration was based on section 73N(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
Registration Group
127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEast Cannington WA 6107
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to STRAIGHT PATH COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that STRAIGHT PATH COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by STRAIGHT PATH COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of STRAIGHT PATH COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWest Hoxton NSW 2171
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CARE DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CARE DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CARE DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CARE DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBligh Park NSW 2756
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PROMOTE SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PROMOTE SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PROMOTE SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PROMOTE SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNYanchep WA 6035
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to INSPIRE A LIFE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that INSPIRE A LIFE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by INSPIRE A LIFE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of INSPIRE A LIFE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Life Matters Psychologists Pty Limited
All actions for this ABNHamilton NSW 2303
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Life Matters Psychologists Pty Limited on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Life Matters Psychologists Pty Limited has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Life Matters Psychologists Pty Limited to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Life Matters Psychologists Pty Limited’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMentone VIC 3194
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to BETT, WINNIE JERUTO on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that BETT, WINNIE JERUTO has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by BETT, WINNIE JERUTO to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of BETT, WINNIE JERUTO’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNVarroville NSW 2566
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CHEMAISSEM, SARAH on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CHEMAISSEM, SARAH has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CHEMAISSEM, SARAH to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CHEMAISSEM, SARAH’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNKentucky South NSW 2354
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to KELLIE LOUISE MADDEN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that KELLIE LOUISE MADDEN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by KELLIE LOUISE MADDEN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of KELLIE LOUISE MADDEN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNDiggers Rest VIC 3427
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to FRANCES CADIZ on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that FRANCES CADIZ has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by FRANCES CADIZ to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of FRANCES CADIZ’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWarwick QLD 4370
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SOUTHERN DOWNS HUMAN SOLUTIONS on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SOUTHERN DOWNS HUMAN SOLUTIONS has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SOUTHERN DOWNS HUMAN SOLUTIONS to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SOUTHERN DOWNS HUMAN SOLUTIONS’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMinto NSW 2566
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to MUKUNDBHAI PAREKH on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that MUKUNDBHAI PAREKH has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by MUKUNDBHAI PAREKH to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of MUKUNDBHAI PAREKH’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCaroline Springs VIC 3023
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to 7GN SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that 7GN SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by 7GN SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of 7GN SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNTuggerah NSW 2259
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to OZ SET PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that OZ SET PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by OZ SET PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of OZ SET PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
110 specialist positive behaviour support; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEdensor Park NSW 2176
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to NGUYEN-PHUONG INVESTMENTS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that NGUYEN-PHUONG INVESTMENTS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by NGUYEN-PHUONG INVESTMENTS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of NGUYEN-PHUONG INVESTMENTS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNRockdale NSW 2216
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CARING COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CARING COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CARING COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CARING COMMUNITY SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCraigieburn VIC 3064
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CAPEABILITY PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CAPEABILITY PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CAPEABILITY PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CAPEABILITY PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0124 Communication and information equipment
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 124 communication and information equipment; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 133 specialised supported employment; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEdmondson Park NSW 2174
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HILLTOP CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HILLTOP CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HILLTOP CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HILLTOP CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCossack NT 850
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to FLETCHER, STEPHEN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that FLETCHER, STEPHEN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by FLETCHER, STEPHEN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of FLETCHER, STEPHEN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0121 Interpreting and Translation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0109 Vehicle Modifications
Registration Group
105 personal mobility equipment; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 109 vehicle modifications; 120 household tasks; 121 interpreting and translation; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNLiverpool NSW 2170
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to OZONE ENTERPRISES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that OZONE ENTERPRISES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by OZONE ENTERPRISES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of OZONE ENTERPRISES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0121 Interpreting and Translation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 121 interpreting and translation; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNRossmore NSW 2557
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PRIMARY AGED CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PRIMARY AGED CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PRIMARY AGED CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PRIMARY AGED CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWoodridge QLD 4114
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RESOLVE CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RESOLVE CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RESOLVE CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RESOLVE CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0124 Communication and information equipment
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 124 communication and information equipment; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNNorth Parramatta NSW 2151
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to DEVINA SINGH on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that DEVINA SINGH has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by DEVINA SINGH to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of DEVINA SINGH's registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWembley WA 6014
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ACCESS PLUS WA DEAF INC on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ACCESS PLUS WA DEAF INC has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ACCESS PLUS WA DEAF INC to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ACCESS PLUS WA DEAF INC’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0121 Interpreting and Translation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
121 interpreting and translation; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEden Hill WA 6054
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to BMC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that BMC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by BMC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of BMC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPaddington QLD 4064
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to VICTORIOUS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that VICTORIOUS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by VICTORIOUS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of VICTORIOUS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 120 household tasks; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 133 specialised supported employment; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEpping VIC 3076
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GRD HOMES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GRD HOMES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GRD HOMES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GRD HOMES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
111 home modifications; 131 specialist disability accommodation only;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSouth Yarra VIC 3141
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to DELIGHTFUL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that DELIGHTFUL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by DELIGHTFUL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of DELIGHTFUL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
The Trustee for The Australia Workplace Rehabilitation Trust
All actions for this ABNBokarina QLD 4575
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to The Trustee for The Australia Workplace Rehabilitation Trust on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that The Trustee for The Australia Workplace Rehabilitation Trust has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by The Trustee for The Australia Workplace Rehabilitation Trust to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of The Trustee for The Australia Workplace Rehabilitation Trust’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMelton West VIC 3337
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ATONG JOSEPH on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ATONG JOSEPH has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ATONG JOSEPH to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ATONG JOSEPH’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWanguri NT 810
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ANCCARE on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ANCCARE has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ANCCARE to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ANCCARE’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNKew VIC 3101
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SUNSHINE KIDS - MUSHA VANA PROPRIETARY LIMITED on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SUNSHINE KIDS - MUSHA VANA PROPRIETARY LIMITED has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SUNSHINE KIDS - MUSHA VANA PROPRIETARY LIMITED to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SUNSHINE KIDS - MUSHA VANA PROPRIETARY LIMITED’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEight Mile Plains QLD 4113
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ESSENCE PLUS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ESSENCE PLUS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ESSENCE PLUS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ESSENCE PLUS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 131 specialist disability accommodation only;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNOfficer VIC 3809
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PRABHJOT SINGH SOODEN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PRABHJOT SINGH SOODEN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PRABHJOT SINGH SOODEN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PRABHJOT SINGH SOODEN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
3lo Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCroydon VIC 3136
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to 3lo Pty Ltd on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that 3lo Pty Ltd has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by 3lo Pty Ltd to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of 3lo Pty Ltd’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSpringfield Lakes QLD 4300
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PRINCETON NDENDA on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PRINCETON NDENDA has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PRINCETON NDENDA to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PRINCETON NDENDA’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0130 Assistance Animals Assistance Animals
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 130 assistance animals; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSan Souci NSW 2219
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to INTEGRAL SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that INTEGRAL SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by INTEGRAL SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of INTEGRAL SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMaidstone VIC 3012
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to G MABOR & I.P MABOR on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that G MABOR & I.P MABOR has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by G MABOR & I.P MABOR to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of G MABOR & I.P MABOR’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNLogan Central QLD 4114
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to NARMDA PTY LIMITED on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that NARMDA PTY LIMITED has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by NARMDA PTY LIMITED to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of NARMDA PTY LIMITED's registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCairns City QLD 4870
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GLOBAL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GLOBAL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GLOBAL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GLOBAL CARE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0119 Specialised Hearing Services
- 0113 Vision Equipment
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 113 vision equipment; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 119 specialised hearing services; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNArmstrong Creek VIC 3217
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to DENISE JEAN EDWARDS on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that DENISE JEAN EDWARDS has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by DENISE JEAN EDWARDS to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of DENISE JEAN EDWARDS’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0130 Assistance Animals Assistance Animals
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 130 assistance animals; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Comfort Care Foundation Inc
All actions for this ABNTruganina VIC 3029
On 26 July 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(ii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013permanently prohibiting and restricting Comfort Care Foundation Inc from undertaking the following activities:
• Delivering support and services to NDIS funded participants
• Operating as an NDIS provider
• Operating as a consultant in the NDIS Sector
• Operating as an auditor in the NDIS Sector
• Providing any non-service and support delivery role for a NDIS provider
The order takes effect at 5:00pm on 5 August 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWarnbro WA 6169
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HEALTHY SUPPORT WA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HEALTHY SUPPORT WA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HEALTHY SUPPORT WA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HEALTHY SUPPORT WA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBeckenham WA 6107
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CARELINX PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CARELINX PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CARELINX PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CARELINX PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0120 Household Tasks
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 120 household tasks;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNHassall Grove NSW 2761
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to D.K DUOM & S.K JOHN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that D.K DUOM & S.K JOHN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by D.K DUOM & S.K JOHN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of D.K DUOM & S.K JOHN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNAirport West VIC 3042
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AURORA CARE GROUP PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AURORA CARE GROUP PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AURORA CARE GROUP PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AURORA CARE GROUP PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMount Pritchard NSW 2170
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to NOBLE ENTERPRISES 221 PTY LIMITED on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that NOBLE ENTERPRISES 221 PTY LIMITED has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by NOBLE ENTERPRISES 221 PTY LIMITED to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of NOBLE ENTERPRISES 221 PTY LIMITED’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNHarris Park NSW 2150
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RSS CONSULTANTS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RSS CONSULTANTS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RSS CONSULTANTS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RSS CONSULTANTS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Mrs Denice Narch
All actions for this ABNYagoona NSW 2199
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Mrs Denice Narch on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Mrs Denice Narch has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Mrs Denice Narch to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Mrs Denice Narch’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMoorooka QLD 4105
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to INFINITY PERSONAL CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that INFINITY PERSONAL CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by INFINITY PERSONAL CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of INFINITY PERSONAL CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNTamborine Mountain QLD 4272
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to EAGLE TAX PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that EAGLE TAX PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by EAGLE TAX PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of EAGLE TAX PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMount Tarcoola WA 6530
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to DANA EVE GAYLARD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that DANA EVE GAYLARD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by DANA EVE GAYLARD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of DANA EVE GAYLARD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNKensington NSW 2033
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to THE ARC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that THE ARC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by THE ARC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of THE ARC DISABILITY SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNErina NSW 2250
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PLANABLE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PLANABLE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PLANABLE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PLANABLE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNRochedale QLD 4123
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ABL CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ABL CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ABL CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ABL CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
The Trustee for Dares Family Trust
All actions for this ABNWollongong NSW 2500
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to The Trustee for Dares Family Trust on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that The Trustee for Dares Family Trust has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by The Trustee for Dares Family Trust to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of The Trustee for Dares Family Trust’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0135 Customised Prosthetics
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
105 personal mobility equipment; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 116 innovative community participation; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 135 customised prosthetics; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBrisbane City QLD 4000
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CAREBUDDIES QLD1 PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CAREBUDDIES QLD1 PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CAREBUDDIES QLD1 PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CAREBUDDIES QLD1 PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBox Hill NSW 2765
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ARISE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ARISE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ARISE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ARISE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNDallas VIC 3047
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to LUCIETTA STROHHECKER on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that LUCIETTA STROHHECKER has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by LUCIETTA STROHHECKER to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of LUCIETTA STROHHECKER’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBungarribee NSW 2767
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SOSE LAM DAM on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SOSE LAM DAM has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SOSE LAM DAM to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SOSE LAM DAM’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNKingsford NSW 2032
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CHRISBURN PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CHRISBURN PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CHRISBURN PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CHRISBURN PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Impact Support Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNTarneit VIC 3029
On 26 July 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(ii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting and restricting Impact Support Pty Ltd from undertaking the following activities:
• Delivering support and services to NDIS funded participants
• Operating as an NDIS provider
• Operating as a consultant in the NDIS Sector
• Operating as an auditor in the NDIS Sector
• Providing any non-service and support delivery role for a NDIS provider
The order takes effect at 5:00pm on 5 August 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNLoch VIC 3945
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to JAYDEE EVENTS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that JAYDEE EVENTS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by JAYDEE EVENTS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of JAYDEE EVENTS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNFarrar NT 830
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AUSTRALIAN HEALTH AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AUSTRALIAN HEALTH AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AUSTRALIAN HEALTH AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AUSTRALIAN HEALTH AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 9am 5 Aug 2024
Michael Toomey
Seven Hills NSW 2147
On 2 August 2024, a banning order was made against Michael Toomey under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, to permanently prohibit Michael from engaging directly or indirectly in the provision of supports or services to NDIS funded participants, effective from 9.00am on 5 August 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Decia Pty Limited
All actions for this ABNAshfield NSW 2131
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Decia Pty Limited on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Decia Pty Limited has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Decia Pty Limited to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Decia Pty Limited’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0112 Assistive equipment for recreation
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0124 Communication and information equipment
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0122 Hearing Equipment
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 105 personal mobility equipment; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 112 assistive equipment for recreation; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 122 hearing equipment; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 124 communication and information equipment; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBeecroft NSW 2119
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to BELLONA CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that BELLONA CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by BELLONA CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of BELLONA CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMorwell VIC 3840
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CHOICE PERSONNEL PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CHOICE PERSONNEL PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CHOICE PERSONNEL PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CHOICE PERSONNEL PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCranbourne East VIC 3977
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SABAWOON SHAFIULLAH KHWAJAGI on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SABAWOON SHAFIULLAH KHWAJAGI has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SABAWOON SHAFIULLAH KHWAJAGI to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SABAWOON SHAFIULLAH KHWAJAGI’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNNightcliff NT 810
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CHUKWUEMEKA, ENEKWACHI DAVID on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CHUKWUEMEKA, ENEKWACHI DAVID has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CHUKWUEMEKA, ENEKWACHI DAVID to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CHUKWUEMEKA, ENEKWACHI DAVID’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNThe Gap NT 870
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HOPE RESIDENTIAL CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HOPE RESIDENTIAL CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HOPE RESIDENTIAL CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HOPE RESIDENTIAL CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPialba QLD 4655
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PLAINS, GORDAN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PLAINS, GORDAN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PLAINS, GORDAN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PLAINS, GORDAN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBondi Junction NSW 2022
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to DOKOTELA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that DOKOTELA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by DOKOTELA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of DOKOTELA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
110 specialist positive behaviour support; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSunbury VIC 3429
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PRISM CONSTRUCTION PTY. LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PRISM CONSTRUCTION PTY. LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PRISM CONSTRUCTION PTY. LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PRISM CONSTRUCTION PTY. LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
111 home modifications; 131 specialist disability accommodation only;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNLakes Creek QLD 4701
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to TIMOTHY JOSEPH JAMES TYDD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that TIMOTHY JOSEPH JAMES TYDD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by TIMOTHY JOSEPH JAMES TYDD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of TIMOTHY JOSEPH JAMES TYDD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports*
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSeville Grove WA 6112
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to JAMES LUSENAKA OKWARO on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that JAMES LUSENAKA OKWARO has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by JAMES LUSENAKA OKWARO to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of JAMES LUSENAKA OKWARO’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWinton QLD 4735
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to WINTON SHIRE COUNCIL on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that WINTON SHIRE COUNCIL has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by WINTON SHIRE COUNCIL to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of WINTON SHIRE COUNCIL’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNShepparton VIC 3630
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RESHMI VERMA on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RESHMI VERMA has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RESHMI VERMA to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RESHMI VERMA’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks|0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGables NSW 2765
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GOOD SAMARITAN CARE SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GOOD SAMARITAN CARE SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GOOD SAMARITAN CARE SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GOOD SAMARITAN CARE SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMelton VIC 3337
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to TABITHA ROBYN LAWLESS on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that TABITHA ROBYN LAWLESS has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by TABITHA ROBYN LAWLESS to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of TABITHA ROBYN LAWLESS’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 110 Specialist positive behaviour support
Registration Group
110 specialist positive behaviour support;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNKaralee QLD 4306
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to DISABILITY NETWORKING AUSTRALIA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that DISABILITY NETWORKING AUSTRALIA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by DISABILITY NETWORKING AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of DISABILITY NETWORKING AUSTRALIA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNWollert VIC 3750
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HARPRIT KAUR MONGA on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HARPRIT KAUR MONGA has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HARPRIT KAUR MONGA to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HARPRIT KAUR MONGA’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNErskine Park NSW 2759
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AMAZING PRESTIGE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AMAZING PRESTIGE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AMAZING PRESTIGE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AMAZING PRESTIGE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBalwyn North VIC 3104
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RANA KARAM on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RANA KARAM has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RANA KARAM to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RANA KARAM’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0118 Early Intervention supports for early childhood
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMaitland NSW 2320
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to J.D BALFOUR & S PURNELL on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that J.D BALFOUR & S PURNELL has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by J.D BALFOUR & S PURNELL to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of J.D BALFOUR & S PURNELL’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMt Lawley WA 6050
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PSYCHOLOGY AUSTRALIA (MT LAWLEY) PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PSYCHOLOGY AUSTRALIA (MT LAWLEY) PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PSYCHOLOGY AUSTRALIA (MT LAWLEY) PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PSYCHOLOGY AUSTRALIA (MT LAWLEY) PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCalderwood NSW 2527
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SAFFRON COTTAGE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SAFFRON COTTAGE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SAFFRON COTTAGE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SAFFRON COTTAGE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNThornlie WA 6108
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SHERYL TZE LING WONG on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SHERYL TZE LING WONG has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SHERYL TZE LING WONG to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SHERYL TZE LING WONG’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCronulla NSW 2230
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SHELBY DODIE DONALDSON on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SHELBY DODIE DONALDSON has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SHELBY DODIE DONALDSON to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SHELBY DODIE DONALDSON’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNLangford WA 6147
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to D MWENDAPOLE & E.K RAYAPEN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that D MWENDAPOLE & E.K RAYAPEN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by D MWENDAPOLE & E.K RAYAPEN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of D MWENDAPOLE & E.K RAYAPEN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSouth Granville NSW 2142
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to MIRACLE SUPPORT CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that MIRACLE SUPPORT CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by MIRACLE SUPPORT CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of MIRACLE SUPPORT CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPreston VIC 3072
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CUREST DISABILITY SUPPORT PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CUREST DISABILITY SUPPORT PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CUREST DISABILITY SUPPORT PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CUREST DISABILITY SUPPORT PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSouth Brisbane QLD 4101
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to WECARE QUEENSLAND PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that WECARE QUEENSLAND PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by WECARE QUEENSLAND PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of WECARE QUEENSLAND PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGulfview Heights SA 5096
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to TARANJEET KAUR THANDI on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that TARANJEET KAUR THANDI has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by TARANJEET KAUR THANDI to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of TARANJEET KAUR THANDI’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Rumpus Skillshare
All actions for this ABNWoonona NSW 2517
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Rumpus Skillshare on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Rumpus Skillshare has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Rumpus Skillshare to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Rumpus Skillshare’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPialba QLD 4655
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to JOHN ANTHONY CHARLES DURSTON on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that JOHN ANTHONY CHARLES DURSTON has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by JOHN ANTHONY CHARLES DURSTON to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of JOHN ANTHONY CHARLES DURSTON’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPoint Cook VIC 3030
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to FARDOWSI, JANNATUL on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that FARDOWSI, JANNATUL has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by FARDOWSI, JANNATUL to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of FARDOWSI, JANNATUL’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGranville NSW 2142
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HELLO LIFECARE SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HELLO LIFECARE SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HELLO LIFECARE SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HELLO LIFECARE SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMernda VIC 3754
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CASILS SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CASILS SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CASILS SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CASILS SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0130 Assistance Animals Assistance Animals
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 130 assistance animals; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
The Trustee for BSP Services Trust
All actions for this ABNSouth Riana TAS 7316
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to The Trustee for BSP Services Trust on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that The Trustee for BSP Services Trust has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by The Trustee for BSP Services Trust to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of The Trustee for BSP Services Trust's registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0110 Specialised Behaviour Supports
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBelmore NSW 2192
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to AJM SMART PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that AJM SMART PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by AJM SMART PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of AJM SMART PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPemulwuy NSW 2145
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to HOPE SCOPE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that HOPE SCOPE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by HOPE SCOPE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of HOPE SCOPE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGranville NSW 2142
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CROSS CARE AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CROSS CARE AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CROSS CARE AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CROSS CARE AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGuildford NSW 2161
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CARING ANGELS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CARING ANGELS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CARING ANGELS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CARING ANGELS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNDoolandella QLD 4077
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GOODWILL CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GOODWILL CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GOODWILL CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GOODWILL CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES PTY LTD.'s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMitchell Park VIC 3355
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to TANYA LEE KIRBY on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that TANYA LEE KIRBY has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by <Provider Legal Name> to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of TANYA LEE KIRBY’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
114 community nursing care; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEast Lismore NSW 2480
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ABBA CARE SERVICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ABBA CARE SERVICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ABBA CARE SERVICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ABBA CARE SERVICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNHarkness VIC 3337
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to GRAFTON SERVICES AUSTRALIA LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that GRAFTON SERVICES AUSTRALIA LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by GRAFTON SERVICES AUSTRALIA LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of GRAFTON SERVICES AUSTRALIA LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0110 Specialist positive behaviour support
Registration Group
110 specialist positive behaviour support;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNPort Macquarie NSW 2444
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ERIN DENISE KELLY-MERRIFIELD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ERIN DENISE KELLY-MERRIFIELD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ERIN DENISE KELLY-MERRIFIELD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ERIN DENISE KELLY-MERRIFIELD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNAlstonville NSW 2477
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to THRIVING TOGETHER PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that THRIVING TOGETHER PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by THRIVING TOGETHER PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of THRIVING TOGETHER PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNRichmond VIC 3121
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to READYTECHGO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that READYTECHGO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by READYTECHGO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of READYTECHGO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0124 Communication and information equipment
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 124 communication and information equipment; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMelton VIC 3337
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to NYABOL ANYAR on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that NYABOL ANYAR has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by NYABOL ANYAR to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of NYABOL ANYAR’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNHelensvale QLD 4212
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to TRACEY FINIGAN on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that TRACEY FINIGAN has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by TRACEY FINIGAN to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of TRACEY FINIGAN’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNMaitland NSW 2320
On the 5/08/2024 a notice of revocation of registration was issued to PURNELL, SUZANNE ELIZABETH on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that PURNELL, SUZANNE ELIZABETH has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by PURNELL, SUZANNE ELIZABETH to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of PURNELL, SUZANNE ELIZABETH registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNQueenstown SA 5014
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to CHANCE NDUME on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that CHANCE NDUME has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by CHANCE NDUME to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of CHANCE NDUME’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Mr Matthew Geoffrey Manson
All actions for this ABNDeniliquin NSW 2710
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Mr Matthew Geoffrey Manson on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Mr Matthew Geoffrey Manson has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Mr Matthew Geoffrey Manson to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Mr Matthew Geoffrey Manson’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNEagleby QLD 4207
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to LIVES WITH CHOICES PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that LIVES WITH CHOICES PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by LIVES WITH CHOICES PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of LIVES WITH CHOICES PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNFairfield NSW 2165
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SPARK CARE PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SPARK CARE PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SPARK CARE PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SPARK CARE PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNRed Hill QLD 4059
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to LESLEY MARGARET MOTHERWELL on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that LESLEY MARGARET MOTHERWELL has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by LESLEY MARGARET MOTHERWELL to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of LESLEY MARGARET MOTHERWELL’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNTruganina VIC 3029
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to The Trustee for PRIVILEGE CARE UNIT TRUST on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that The Trustee for PRIVILEGE CARE UNIT TRUST has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by The Trustee for PRIVILEGE CARE UNIT TRUST to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of The Trustee for PRIVILEGE CARE UNIT TRUST’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
Registration Group
103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNCasula NSW 2170
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to INFINITE HEALTH CARE AND SUPPORT PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that INFINITE HEALTH CARE AND SUPPORT PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by INFINITE HEALTH CARE AND SUPPORT PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of INFINITE HEALTH CARE AND SUPPORT PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 126 exercise physiology and personal training; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNYass NSW 2582
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to ENHANCED LIVING GROUP PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that ENHANCED LIVING GROUP PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by ENHANCED LIVING GROUP PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of ENHANCED LIVING GROUP PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNBorroloola NT 854
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to MABUNJI ABORIGINAL RESOURCE INDIGENOUS CORPORATION on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that MABUNJI ABORIGINAL RESOURCE INDIGENOUS CORPORATION has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by MABUNJI ABORIGINAL RESOURCE INDIGENOUS CORPORATION to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of MABUNJI ABORIGINAL RESOURCE INDIGENOUS CORPORATION’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNDrummoyne NSW 2047
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to RELIEF BUILD PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that RELIEF BUILD PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by RELIEF BUILD PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of RELIEF BUILD PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 103 assistive products for personal care and safety; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNGlenfield NSW 2167
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to SKY HELPING HANDS PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that SKY HELPING HANDS PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by SKY HELPING HANDS PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of SKY HELPING HANDS PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- 0111 Home Modification
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0127 Management of funding for supports in participants plan
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
Healthcare Assist Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNHarrison ACT 2914
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Healthcare Assist Pty Ltd on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that Healthcare Assist Pty Ltd has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by Healthcare Assist Pty Ltd to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of Healthcare Assist Pty Ltd’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
- 0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
- 0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- 0114 Community Nursing care
- 0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
- 0117 Development of daily living and life skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
Registration Group
106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Aug 2024
All actions for this ABNSouth Perth WA 6151
On the 05/08/2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to INFLULIVING PTY LTD on the basis that a delegate of the Commissioner reasonably believes that INFLULIVING PTY LTD has contravened section 73J of the NDIS Act. More specifically, the failure by INFLULIVING PTY LTD to commence a mid-term audit within 18 months of INFLULIVING PTY LTD’s registration coming into force.
The revocation takes effect from 5 pm on 05/08/2024.
Classes of support:
- 0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 131 specialist disability accommodation only;
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 30 Jul 2024
Faapitoa Disability Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNTorquay VIC 3228
On 29 July 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Faapitoa Disability Services Pty Ltd under section 73ZN(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The revocation takes effect from 5:00pm on 30 July 2024.
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 30 Jul 2024
Faapitoa Disability Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNTorquay VIC 3228
On 29 July 2024, a revocation of registration and banning order was made under sections 73P & 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting and restricting Faapitoa Disability Services Pty Ltd from undertaking the following activities:
- Delivering support and services to NDIS funded participants
- Operating as an NDIS provider
- Operating as a consultant in the NDIS Sector
- Providing any non-service and support delivery role for a NDIS provider
The order takes effect at 5:00pm on 30 July 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 29 Jul 2024
Alisha Ahmet
All actions for this ABNReservoir VIC 3073
On 15 July 2024 a banning order of Alisha AHMET was made, under Section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act2013 (Cth), permanently prohibiting Alisha AHMET from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services to people with disability effective from 5:00pm on 29 July 2024.
No longer in force: Suspension of registration - from 5pm 26 Jul 2024 - to 5pm 25 Aug 2024
Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreenway ACT 2900
On 16 July 2024, a suspension notice was issued to Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd, suspending their registration for a period of 30 days, effective from 26 July 2024. The suspension of registration was based on section 73N(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 22 Jul 2024
George Meredith
Grovedale VIC 3216
On 17 July 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 to permanently prohibit George Meredith from engaging in any activities related to the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants, effective from 5:00pm on 22 July 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 19 Jul 2024
Hassan Nur Yusuf Abdinasir
Sunshine VIC 3020
On 19 July 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National DisabilityInsurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Hassan Nur Yusuf Abdinasir from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants effective from 5:00 pm on 19 July 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 19 Jul 2024
Gak Madeng Akoj Broj
Braybrook 3019
On 19 July 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Gak Madeng Akoj Broj from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants effective from 5:00 pm on 19 July 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 19 Jul 2024
Yahya Shuriye
Sunshine VIC 3020
On 19 July 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Yahya Shuriye from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants effective from 5:00 pm on 19 July 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jul 2024
Andrew Abdelmalek
Fraser Rise VIC 3336
On 2 July 2024 a banning order was made under sections73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting and restricting Andrew Abdelmalek from undertaking the following activities:
1. Delivering support and services to NDIS funded participants
2. Operating as an NDIS provider
3. Operating as a consultant in the NDIS Sector
4. Operating as an auditor in the NDIS Sector
5. Providing any non-service and support delivery role for a NDIS provider
The order takes effect at 5:00pm on 10 July 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jul 2024
Tsz Wing Tam
All actions for this ABNNorthbridge WA 6027
On 27 June 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 on the basis Mr Tsz Wing Tam is not suitable to provide supports and services to people with disability. The banning order permanently prohibits or restricts Mr Tsz Wing TAM from undertaking the following activities:
• Delivering supports and services to NDIS funded participants.
• Operating as a NDIS provider.
• Working in a non-service and support delivery role for an NDIS provider.This order takes effect on 10 July 2024 at 5:00pm.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jul 2024
Prime Physio Group Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNFraser Rise VIC 3336
On 21 June 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting and restricting Prime Physio Group Pty Ltd from undertaking the following activities: delivering supports and services to NDIS funded participants, operating as a NDIS provider, operating as a consultant in the NDIS sector, operating as an auditor in the NDIS sector, providing any non-service and support delivery role for a NDIS provider. This order takes effect at 10 July 2024 at 5pm.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 8 Jul 2024
Individual Empowerment Network Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCairns QLD 4870
On 8 July 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Individual Empowerment Network Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires Individual Empowerment Network Pty Ltd to take certain in order to address possible non-compliance with section 73J of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the NDIS Act).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 5 Jul 2024 - to 5pm 5 Jul 2026
Joshua Tupou
Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029
On 26 June 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Joshua Tupou from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability for a period of two (2) years effective from 5 July 2024 at 5:00pm.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 1 Jul 2024
Care and Concern Australia Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNRochedale South QLD 4123
On 1 July 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Care and Concern Australia Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Care and Concern Australia Pty Ltd to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 73J of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) due to failing to comply with a condition of registration under section 73F(2)(c).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 28 Jun 2024
Robert Marlowe
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
On 21 June 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Robert Marlowe from being involved in the provision of NDIS funding supports or services to people with disability effective from 28 June 2024 at 5pm.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 27 Jun 2024 - to 5pm 4 Dec 2024
The Trustee For Caligiuri Corporation Family Trust
All actions for this ABNMaribyrnong VIC 3032
On 27 June 2024, a compliance notice was issued to The Trustee For Caligiuri Corporation Family Trust (t/a Radiant Clean) under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires The Trustee For Caligiuri Corporation Family Trust to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with sections 6(d) and 6(f) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Code of Conduct) Rules 2018.
No longer in force: Suspension of registration - from 5pm 25 Jun 2024 - to 5pm 25 Jul 2024
Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreenway ACT 2900
On 25 June 2024, a suspension notice was issued to Protos Care Services (PCS) Pty Ltd, suspending their registration for a period of 30 days effective from 25 June 2024. The suspension of registration was based on section 73N(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 131 specialist disability accommodation only; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 20 Jun 2024
Challenge Community Services
All actions for this ABNHillvue NSW 2340
On 20 June 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Challenge Community Services under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Challenge Community Services to take certain action to address non-compliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Code of Conduct Rules) Rules 2018
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 14 Jun 2024
Rozy Diantara
Brunswick Heads NSW 2483
On 14 June 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Rozy Diantara from providing disability supports and services to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme on a permanent basis from 5:00pm on 14 June 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 14 Jun 2024 - to 5pm 14 Jun 2029
Anitah Mukundane
Broome WA 6725
On 3 June 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms Anitah Mukundane from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability for a period of five (5) years effective from 14 June 2024 at 5:00pm.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jun 2024
John Kuony BELIEU
Frankston North VIC 3200
On 3 June 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting John Kuony BELIEU from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National
Disability Insurance Scheme effective from 5.00pm on 10 June 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jun 2024
Gosling Park Early Learning Centre Pty Ltd
Greenacre NSW 2190
On 28 May 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Gosling Park Early Learning Centre Pty Ltd from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability, effective from 10 June 2024
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jun 2024
Tabark Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreenacre NSW 2190
On 28 May 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Tabark Pty Ltd from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability, effective from 10 June 2024
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 Jun 2024
National Community College Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBankstown NSW 2200
On 28 May 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting National Community College Pty Ltd from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability, effective from 10 June 2024
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 7 Jun 2024
Jacob Andrew HUDSON
Park Avenue QLD 4701
On 28 May 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, permanently prohibiting Jacob Andrew HUDSON from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services to people with disability effective from 5:00pm on 7 June 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 7 Jun 2024 - to 5pm 6 Jun 2026
Sarah Lannan
Gables NSW 2765
On 31 May 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms Sarah Lannan from being involved, either directly or indirectly, in the provision of NDIS supports or services to people with disability from 5pm on 7 June 2024 for a period of two (2) years.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 7 Jun 2024 - to 5pm 6 Jun 2029
Muna Hurmiz
Fairfield NSW 2165
On 21 May 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Muna Hurmiz from providing supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people for a period of five (5) years, effective from 5:00pm on 7 June 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 5 Jun 2024
Centacare Catholic Family Services
All actions for this ABNAdelaide SA 5000
On 5 June 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Centacare Catholic Family Services under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires Centacare Catholic Family Services to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 73J of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 as set out in section 73F (1)(c).
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 28 May 2024
Scope (Aust) Ltd
All actions for this ABNMelbourne VIC 3122
On 28 May 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Scope (Aust) Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Scope (Aust) Ltd) to take certain action to address non-compliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 28 May 2024
Disability Services Australia Ltd
All actions for this ABNKingsgrove NSW 2208
On 28 May 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Disability Services Australia Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Disability Services Australia Ltd to take certain action to address non-compliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 28 May 2024
Sharon Jayne Butler
Cartwright NSW 2168
On 28 May 2024, a permanent banning order was issued under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, prohibiting Sharon Butler from permanently providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 28 May 2024
All actions for this ABNMelbourne VIC 3122
On 28 May 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Home@Scope under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Home@Scope to take certain action to address non-compliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 22 May 2024 - to 5pm 22 May 2026
C2G Compassionate Groups Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNTullamarine VIC 3043
On 14 April 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting C2G Compassionate Groups Pty Ltd from providing NDIS-funded supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people for a period of two (2) years, effective from 5.00pm on 22 May 2024
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 20 May 2024 - to 5pm 20 May 2034
Erick Eduardo RODRIGUEZ
Port Kennedy WA 6172
On 6 May 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Erick Eduardo Rodriguez from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of ten (10) years, effective from 5:00pm on 20 May 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 17 May 2024 - to 5pm 16 May 2026
Mr Henry OBOH
Rouse Hill NSW 2155
On 8 May 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Henry Ohimare OBOH from providing, or being involved in, the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 17 May 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 16 May 2024
Asunta Ajack WEIL
Hillside VIC 3037
On 9 May 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Asunta Ajack WEIL from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme effective from 5:00pm on 16 May 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 16 May 2024
Michael BOL
Hillside VIC 3037
On 9 May 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Michael BOL from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme effective from 5:00pm on 16 May 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 16 May 2024
M.D Bol and A Weil t/as Homelike Disability Services
All actions for this ABNHillside VIC 3037
On 9 May 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting M.D Bol and A Weil t/as Homelike Disability Services from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme effective from 5:00pm on 16 May 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 May 2024
A & G Aged Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreen Valley NSW 2168
On 8 May 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(1)(a) and 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting A & G Aged Care Pty Ltd from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme effective from 5:00pm on 15 May 2024.
No longer in force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 15 May 2024
Pu-Fam Pty Ltd, trading as St Jude’s Disability Services
All actions for this ABNKewdale WA 6105
On 15 May 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Pu-Fam Pty Ltd, trading as St Jude’s Disability Services, under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires St Jude’s Disability Services to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with clause 3 of Schedule 1of the Practice Standards Rules
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 10 May 2024
Home Caring Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNSmithfield NSW 2164
On 10 May 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Home Caring Pty Ltd under section 73J of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. This notice requires Home Caring Pty Ltd Inc to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 9(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 10 May 2024 - to 5pm 9 May 2025
Jade Susan Ure
Maryland NSW 2287
On 3 May 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms Jade Susan Ure from providing disability supports and services to any National Disability Insurance Scheme funded participant who has a Behaviour Support Plan for a period of twelve (12) months effective from 10 May 2024 at 5:00 PM.
In force: Enforceable undertaking - from 5pm 5 May 2024
Social Plus Support Work Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNAlbury NSW 2640
On 5 May 2024, an enforceable undertaking was given by Social Plus Support Work Pty Ltd under section 73ZP of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The undertakings provide that Social Plus Support Work Pty Ltd will take certain actions to implement continuous quality improvement measures in relation to the support they provide NDIS participants.
See the full enforceable undertaking for details.
No longer in force: Banning order - from 5pm 3 May 2024 - to 5pm 27 Jun 2024
Katherine Karunarathna
Marangaroo WA 6064
PLEASE NOTE: The banning order was suspended by the Federal Court of Australia and is not currently in force.
On 3 May 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Katherine Karunarathna from being directly or indirectly involved in the provision of supports or services to people with disability. This order takes effect from 17 May at 5.00pm AWST.
On 5 August 2024, the banning order was varied under section 100 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 to change the duration of the banning order to 10 years. The banning order (as varied) will remain in force until 5:00pm (AWST) on 17 May 2034.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 26 Apr 2024
Mr Michael Bishop
On 19 April 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Michael Bishop from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of two (2) years, effective from 5:00 pm on 26 April 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 25 Apr 2024 - to 5pm 25 Apr 2026
Richard David Farleigh
All actions for this ABNTAREE NSW 2430
On 19 March 2024 the delegate signed a banning order pursuant to section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the Act, prohibiting Richard David Farleigh from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 25 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 24 Apr 2024 - to 5pm 23 Apr 2026
Mr Kelvin Steinhardt
All actions for this ABNGATTON QLD 4305
On 10 April 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(1)(b)(i) and 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Kelvin Steinhardt from providing NDIS-funded supports or services to people for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 24 April 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 24 Apr 2024
Adrian Metly
Chester Hill NSW 2162
On 15 April 2024, a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Adrian METLY from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability permanently, effective from 24 April 2024 at 5:00pm.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 24 Apr 2024
Gamini Nihal Jo Karunarathna (also known as Joseph Karunarathna)
On 24 April 2024 a variation to a banning order was made under section 73ZO of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Gamini Nihal Jo Karunarathna from permanently being directly or indirectly involved in the provision of supports or services to people with disability.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 24 Apr 2024 - to 5pm 23 Apr 2026
Ms Joanne Patrice Walker
All actions for this ABNIPSWICH QLD 4305
On 10 April 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(1)(b)(i) and 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Joanne Patrice Walker from being involved in the provision of NDIS-funded supports or services to people for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 24 April 2024.
No longer in force: Banning order - from 5pm 22 Apr 2024 - to 5pm 22 Apr 2024
Southern Community Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNVAUCLUSE NSW 2030
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Southern Community Care Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
On 22 April 2024, the banning order was varied under section 100 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 to prohibit Southern Community Care from personally or directly providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, until 11:30pm on 22 April 2024 (AEST).
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 22 Apr 2024 - to 5pm 21 Apr 2029
Happy Life Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNFAIRFIELD NSW 2165
On 15 April 2024, a banning order was made under sections section 73ZN(1)(b)(i) and 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, prohibiting Happy Life Care Pty Ltd from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports or services to people with disability for a period of five (5) years, effective from 5:00pm 22 April 2024.
No longer in force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 11 Apr 2024
Nulsen Group
All actions for this ABNCannington WA 6107
On 11 April 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Nulsen Group Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Nulsen Group Ltd to take certain action to address noncompliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018, in relation to obligations to take all reasonable steps to facilitate the development of Behaviour Support Plans and obtain State or Territory authorisation as soon as reasonably practicable for the ongoing use of regulated restrictive practices with NDIS participants. The notice also requires Nulsen Group Ltd to take certain action to address noncompliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incident) Rules 2018, in relation to the obligation to notify the Commissioner of each use of an unauthorised restrictive practice.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 8 Apr 2024 - to 5pm 8 Apr 2029
Stephen Glenn Stringer
On 25 March 2024 , A banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Stephen Glenn Stringer from providing supports or services to NDIS participants for a period of five (5) years, effective from 5:00 pm (SA Time) on Monday 8 April 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 8 Apr 2024
Noel Alexander
Sunbury VIC 3429
On 25 March 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Noel Alexander from being involved, either directly or indirectly, in the provision of NDIS supports or services to people with disability from 5pm on 8 April 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 2 Apr 2024
Christoper Harrison
Greendale VIC 3341
On 19 March 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mr Christopher HARRISON from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of five (5) years, effective from 5:00 pm on 2 April 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 25 Mar 2024 - to 6pm 24 Mar 2026
Nnamdi Abiodun Ogbua
All actions for this ABNLOGANLEA QLD 4131
On 19 March 2024 the delegate signed a banning order pursuant to section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the Act, I prohibit Nnamdi Abiodun Ogbua from providing disability supports and services to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 25 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 22 Mar 2024
Anja Wesenick
Tatura VIC 3616
On 8 March 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms Anja WESENICK from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme permanently, effective from 5:00 pm on 22 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 20 Mar 2024 - to 6pm 20 Mar 2026
Ryan Michael Daley
All actions for this ABNKIRWAN QLD 4817
On 19 March 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ryan Michael Daley from the provision of NDIS-funded supports or services to any National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 20 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 18 Mar 2024 - to 6pm 18 Mar 2026
Bikash Singh Shrestha
On 12 March 2024 the delegate signed a banning order pursuant to section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the Act, prohibiting Bikash Singh Shrestha from providing disability supports and services directly or indirectly to people with disability for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm on 18 March 2024.
No longer in force: Suspension of registration - from 5pm 18 Mar 2024 - to 5pm 17 Apr 2024
Happy Life Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNFairfield NSW 2165
On 18 March 2024, a suspension notice was issued to Happy Life Care Pty Ltd suspending the provider’s registration for a period of 30 days, effective from 8 April 2024. The suspension of registration was based on sections 73N(1)(a) and 73N(1)(d) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act).
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 110 specialist positive behaviour support; 113 vision equipment; 114 community nursing care; 118 early intervention supports for early childhood; 119 specialised hearing services; 120 household tasks; 123 assistive products for household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans; 128 therapeutic supports; 129 specialised driver training; 130 assistance animals; 132 specialised support coordination; 133 specialised supported employment; 134 hearing services; 135 customised prosthetics;
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 15 Mar 2024
We Together Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBraybrook VIC 3019
On 15 March 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting We Together Care Pty Ltd, ABN 99 664 382 978, from being involved in the provision of supports or services to NDIS-funded participants, either directly or indirectly, from 5pm on 15 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 15 Mar 2024
Layton Thomas Barker
Strathfieldsaye VIC 3551
On 5 March 2024, a banning order was made under sections section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, prohibiting Layton Thomas Barker from being involved, directly or indirectly, in the provision of NDIS supports or services to people with disability for a period of three (3) years, effective from 5:00pm 15 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 14 Mar 2024 - to 6pm 14 Mar 2029
Simarjit Khatra
Kingswood NSW 2747
On 29 February 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the NDIS Act of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Simarjit Khatra from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of five (5) years, effective from 5:00 pm (Queensland time) on 14 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 14 Mar 2024 - to 6pm 14 Mar 2026
Shandel Lee Kelly
Koonawarrra NSW 2530
On 29 February 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ms Shandel Lee Kelly from engaging directly or indirectly in the provision of NDIS-funded supports or services to any National Disability Insurance Scheme participant for a period of two (2) years effective from 14 March 2024 at 5:00 PM.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 12 Mar 2024
Abdifatah Osman
All actions for this ABNSouth Granville NSW 2142
On 12 March 2024 a banning order was made under section s73ZN(2A)of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Abdifatah Osman from occupying the role of key personnel as defined under section 11A of the NDIS Act for any NDIS provider; and from being involved in the management of NDIS plan funds to people with disability,including in a consultancy capacity, effective from 5.00pm on 12 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 12 Mar 2024 - to 6pm 12 Mar 2029
Anisa Osman
Old Guildford NSW 2161
On 12 March 2024 a banning order was made under section s73ZN(2)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Anisa Osman from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services to people with disability for a period of 5 years effective from 5.00pm on 12 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 8 Mar 2024
Manyok Monyjok
Braybrook VIC 3019
On 8 March 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Manyok Monyjok from being involved, either directly or indirectly, in the provision of NDIS supports or services to people with disability from 5pm on 8 March 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 26 Feb 2024 - to 6pm 26 Feb 2034
Mostafa Al Hassan
Belmore NSW 2192
On 15 February 2024, a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i), 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) and 73ZN(2)(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mostafa Al Hassan from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people with disability, for a period of ten (10) years effective from 26 February 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 23 Feb 2024 - to 6pm 23 Feb 2026
Michael David Pearce
Brighton-le-Sands NSW 2216
On 23 January 2024, a Banning Order was issued under section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the Act), prohibiting Michael David Pearce from engaging directly or indirectly in the provision of supports or services to NDIS funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of two (2) years, effective from 5:00pm 23 February 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 21 Feb 2024 - to 6pm 21 Feb 2026
Leena Kumar
Blacktown NSW 2148
On 9 February 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, prohibiting Ms Leena Kumar from being involved, directly or indirectly, in the provision of NDIS supports or services to people with disability for a period of two (2) years, effective from 5:00pm 21 February 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 20 Feb 2024 - to 6pm 20 Feb 2034
Kristy-Lea Cooper
Campbelltown NSW 2560
On 19 February 2024, a banning order was issued under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, prohibiting Kristy-Lea Cooper from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme, for a period of ten (10) years, effective from 5:00 pm on 20 February 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 19 Feb 2024
Melba Support Services Inc
All actions for this ABNLilydale VIC 3140
On 19 February 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Melba Support Services Inc under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notices requires Melba Support Services Inc to take certain action in order to address non-compliance with:
Paragraphs (e) of the NDIS Code of Conduct, contained in section 6 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Code of Conduct) Rules 2018.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 15 Feb 2024
Tshering Tashi
Perth WA 6000
On 01 February 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Tshering Tashi from directly providing disability supports and services to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of two (2) years effective from 5pm AWST on 15 February 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 15 Feb 2024
Tulip Management Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNLiverpool NSW 2170
On 25 January 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Tulip Management Pty On 25 January 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Tulip Management Pty
Registration Group
127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 15 Feb 2024
Renee Joan Byatt
Merriwa WA 6030
On 01 February 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Renee Joan Byatt from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of five (5) years effective from 5pm AWST on 15 February 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 14 Feb 2024
Istarlin Hassan
Whittlesea VIC 3747
On 31 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013to prohibit Istarlin Hassan from being involved in the provision of supports and services to people with disability for 2 years, effective from 5:00pm on 14 February 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 13 Feb 2024
Adachi Disability Services Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCannington WA 6107
On 13 February 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Adachi Disability Services Pty Ltd from engaging directly or indirectly in the provision of NDIS-funded supports or services to any National Disability Insurance Scheme participant for a period of two (2) years.
The operation of the order has been suspended on the condition that no services be provided except to two participants until 5.00 pm AWST on Friday 10 May 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 5 Feb 2024
Koiop Connect Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBroadmeadow NSW 2292
On 5 February 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Koiop Connect Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Koiop Connect Pty Ltd to take certain actions to address possible non-compliance in relation to:
- Sections 20(1)(b) and 21(1) of the NDIS Incident Management and Reportable Incident Rules.
Section 9(2) of the NDIS Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support Rules.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 3 Feb 2024
Eric Ufomba
Armstrong Creek VIC 3217
On 13 May 2024 the delegate signed a banning order under section s73ZN(2)(a)(i) prohibiting Eric Ufomba from being involved in the provision of NDIS funded supports or services to people with disability for a period of one (1) year.This order, which varies the banning order made on 5 January 2024, takes effect from 5.00pm 3 February 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 31 Jan 2024
Mohammad Hussein Lawabnih
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Mohammad Hussein Lawabnih from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 31 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 30 Jan 2024
Mitali Dhand
Tarneit VIC 3029
On 16 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(i) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mitali Dhand from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of one (1) year effective from 30 January 2024 at 5:00PM.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 29 Jan 2024
Elite Smart Community Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreenvale VIC 3059
On 16 January 2024 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Elite Smart Community Care Pty Ltd from providing NDIS-funded supports and services, directly or indirectly, to people for a period of two (2) years effective from 5.00pm on 29 January 2024.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 29 Jan 2024
Elite Smart Community Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNGreenvale VIC 3059
On 16 January 2024, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Elite Smart Community Care Pty Ltd under sections 73P(1)(a), 73P(1)(d) and 73P(1)(e) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.
The revocation takes effect from 5.00pm on 29 January 2024
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 102 assistance to access and maintain employment or higher education; 104 high intensity daily personal activities; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 111 home modifications; 114 community nursing care; 115 assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement; 116 innovative community participation; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 128 therapeutic supports; 132 specialised support coordination; 136 group and centre‑based activities;
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 25 Jan 2024
Livable Limited
All actions for this ABNGrafton NSW 2460
On 25 January 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Livable Limited under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Livable Limited to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 12 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018, specifically in relation to the obligation to obtain State or Territory authorisation as soon as reasonably practicable for the ongoing use of regulated restrictive practices.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Unity Age Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCARLINGFORD NSW 2118
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Unity Age Care Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Jyot Electricals Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBELLA VISTA NSW 2153
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Jyot Electricals Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
JN Properties Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBLACKTOWN NSW 2148
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting JN Properties Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Australian Institute of Health & Management Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNMARSDEN PARK NSW 2765
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Australian Institute of Health & Management Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Orchid Holidays Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBELLA VISTA NSW 2153
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Orchid Holidays Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Somya Academy Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCARLINGFORD NSW 2118
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Somya Academy Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Ahaan Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBELLA VISTA NSW 2153
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Ahaan Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Naina Australia Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNBLACKTOWN NSW 2148
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Naina Australia Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
1 Primary Care Service Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNSTRATHFIELD NSW 2135
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(i-iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting 1 Primary Care Service Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Rehab Warrior Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNSTRATHFIELD NSW 2135
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Rehab Warrior Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
Jinmata Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCARLINGFORD NSW 2118
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Jinmata Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 24 Jan 2024
A4 Education Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNCARLINGFORD NSW 2118
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting A4 Education Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 22 Jan 2024
Kahtan Al Hassan
Greenacre NSW 2190
On 16 January 2024, a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Mr Kahtan Al Hassan from being involved, directly and indirectly, in the provision of NDIS supports and services, including in a consultancy capacity, effective from 5:00 pm on 22 January 2024.
No longer in force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 19 Jan 2024
Department of Human Services (South Australia)
All actions for this ABNAdelaide SA 5000
On 19 January 2024, a compliance notice was issued to the Department of Human Services (SA) under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires the Department of Human Services (SA) to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with obligations under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 17 Jan 2024 - to 6pm 17 Dec 2026
Mumthaj Begam Kantara
Greenvale VIC 3059
On 16 January 2024 a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(i) and 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Mumthaj Begam Kantara from being involved in the provision of NDIS-funded supports and services to people for a period of two (2) years effective from 5.00pm on 17 January 2024.
No longer in force: Banning order - from 5pm 17 Jan 2024
Australian Institute of Health & Management Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNMarsden Park NSW 2765
On 17 January 2024, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2A) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Australian Institute of Health & Management Pty Ltd permanently from providing, directly or indirectly, NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm 24 January 2024.
In force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 12 Jan 2024
Tolega Pty Ltd Trading as Oakwood Aged Care
All actions for this ABNRosslyn Park SA 5072
On 12 January 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Tolega Pty Ltd under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Tolega Pty Ltd to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 12 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018, specifically in relation to the obligation to obtain State or Territory authorisation as soon as reasonably practicable for the ongoing use of regulated restrictive practices.
No longer in force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 11 Jan 2024
Casa Services Limited
All actions for this ABNAlice Springs NT 0870
On 11 January 2024, a compliance notice was issued to Casa Services Limited under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires Casa Services Limited to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 12 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018, specifically in relation to the obligation to obtain State or Territory authorisation as soon as reasonably practicable for the ongoing use of regulated restrictive practices. Casa Services Limited has fulfilled the requirements of the compliance notice.
No longer in force: Compliance notice - from 5pm 9 Jan 2024
North Australia Global Services Pty Limited (T/A Territory Care and Support Services)
All actions for this ABNLudmilla NT 0820
On 9 January 2024, a compliance notice was issued to North Australia Global Services Pty Limited under section 73ZM of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The notice requires North Australia Global Services Pty Limited to take certain action in order to address possible non-compliance with section 12 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018, specifically in relation to the obligation to obtain State or Territory authorisation as soon as reasonably practicable for the ongoing use of regulated restrictive practices
In force: Banning order - from 5pm 8 Jan 2024
The Trustee for Gracemanor Service Trust T/A Grace Disability Services Australia Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNMelbourne VIC 3023
On 15 December 2023 a banning order was made pursuant to section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, permanently prohibiting the Trustee for Gracemanor Service Trust T/A Grace Disability Services Australia Pty Ltd from being involved, either directly or indirectly, in the provision of supports or services to NDIS participants from 5pm on 8 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 8 Jan 2024
Byson James Kete Turner
All actions for this ABNOrana WA 6330
On 21 December 2023 a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Byson James Kete Turner from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to NDIS-funded participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of ten (10) years effective from 5:00 pm AWST on 8 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 5 Jan 2024
Robert McKimmie
Moe VIC 3825
On 22 December 2023, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(1)(b)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 prohibiting Robert McKimmie from providing disability supports and services, directly or indirectly, to participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme for a period of two years effective from 5 January 2024 at 5:00PM.
In force: Revocation of registration of registered NDIS provider - from 5pm 5 Jan 2024
Autumn of Life Disability And Home Care Pty Ltd
All actions for this ABNChadstone VIC 3148
On 15 December 2023, a notice of revocation of registration was issued to Autumn of Life Disability and Home Care Pty Ltd under section 73P(1)(a) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The revocation takes effect from 5 January 2024
Registration Group
101 accommodation/tenancy assistance; 106 assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports; 107 assistance with daily personal activities; 108 assistance with travel/transport arrangements; 117 development of daily living and life skills; 120 household tasks; 125 participation in community, social and civic activities; 127 management of funding for supports in participant plans;
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 5 Jan 2024
Robert Leslie Connor
Lethbridge NSW 2770
On 19 December 2023, a banning order was made under sections 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) and 73ZN(2)(b) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 permanently prohibiting Robert Leslie Connor from being involved in the provision of NDIS supports and services to people with disability, effective from 5:00pm on 5 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 2 Jan 2024 - to 6pm 2 Jan 2025
Malissa Victoria McMaster
Unknown NSW Unknown
On 18 December 2023, a banning order was made under section 73ZN of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 to prohibit Malissa Victoria McMaster from being involved in the provision of supports and services to people with disability for 1 year, effective from 5:00pm on 2 January 2024.
In force: Banning order - from 6pm 2 Jan 2024 - to 6pm 2 Jan 2027
Daniel John Rosewood
Morphett Vale SA 5162
On 18 December 2023, a banning order was made under section 73ZN(2)(a)(iii) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) prohibiting Daniel John Rosewood from being involved in the provision of supports and services to NDIS participants for a period of three (3) years, effective from 5:00 pm (SA time) on 2 January 2024.