Media release

National safeguards now cover people with disability in Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, ACT and NT

From today NDIS participants living in Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, ACT and NT will benefit from new national quality and safeguarding arrangements that are regulated by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission).

The NDIS Commission was established to deliver a national approach to protecting the rights, health and wellbeing of every Australian receiving supports under the NDIS.

The NDIS Commission started work 12 months ago in South Australia and New South Wales. It starts today, 1 July 2019, in Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, ACT and NT. On 1 July 2020, when it starts in Western Australia, all states and territories will be covered.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner Graeme Head said “This timetabled implementation of the NDIS Commission brings us closer to national quality and safeguarding arrangements.

“The NDIS Commission works with people with disability and the providers that support them to resolve complaints about services and supports. It can take strong action where serious matters arise that affect the safety of NDIS participants.

“This will help people with disability in the NDIS have a strong voice about their rights to be safe, to exercise choice and control, and have their human rights upheld.

“The introduction of the NDIS Code of Conduct, which applies to anyone working in the NDIS, sets a clear message about the expectations of the Australian community that people with disability should be treated with respect and free from exploitation, violence, abuse and neglect.”

The NDIS Commission is a Commonwealth statutory body that regulates the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.