Media release

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission invites NDIS participants and providers to attend local drop-in sessions in Shepparton

NDIS participants and providers in the Shepparton region are invited to attend a drop-in session with key representatives from the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) on Tuesday 27th February 2024 in the Shepparton Senior Citizen’s Centre.

The NDIS Commission is committed to ensuring that NDIS participants are receiving safe and quality support from NDIS funded providers.

In the morning session, key NDIS Commission staff will be available to meet with participants, their families and advocates to discuss the NDIS Commission and its functions, and the ways it can help participants choose supports and services, as well as helping to resolve complaints or address feedback about NDIS service providers.

Mahashini Krishna, Assistant Commissioner, Regulatory Campaigns and Projects, encouraged NDIS participants, their families and carers to drop in for a chat.

“We're visiting Shepparton to meet participants, their families and supporters. We want participants to know that they can raise problems or concerns relating to their NDIS services or supports with us, and we can take action to resolve it and make it better. We're separately meeting with providers to ensure they are aware of and meeting their obligations.”

A separate afternoon session for both registered and unregistered NDIS providers will provide links to key resources, remind them of their responsibilities and obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct, and provide an opportunity for questions direct to NDIS Commission staff.

The NDIS Code of Conduct requires NDIS Providers to:

  • Act with honesty, integrity and transparency.
  • Respect individual rights to self-determination and decision-making.
  • Respect freedom of expression.

Available for interview:

Mahashini Krishna, Assistant Commissioner, Regulatory Campaigns and Projects, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

For more information or to organise an interview email

NDIS Participants session:  Tuesday February 27, 9.30am – 12.00pm

An information session for NDIS participants, their family and supporters.

Where: Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre, 132 Welsford Street Shepparton 3630

A 30-minute presentation will start at 10am, followed by morning tea. After the presentation NDIS Commission staff will be available for individual conversations and are happy to answer any questions or support participants to raise concerns regarding their NDIS funded support if they need to.

Registration is encouraged via


NDIS Providers session: Tuesday February 27, 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Open to both registered and unregistered providers.

Where: Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre, 132 Welsford Street Shepparton 3630

The forum is an opportunity to meet with the NDIS Commission, and hear about its role and Provider obligations. The NDIS Commission would like to hear from Providers about their experience delivering NDIS supports and services in the Shepparton area.

Providers need to pre-register attendance on Eventbrite via


Any questions about either drop-in event can be directed to





Media contact

Phone: 0455 518 095
